What rodent is this? *Pictures*


11 Years
Jul 22, 2008
I found two rodents after part of the grass was mowed. I was raking up the clippings when I saw the first one. I thought it was a mole, so I just watched it. But it did not run away, so I tried poking it with a piece of grass. It tried to hide in the grass but did not run away. (It is brown with a short, stubby, slightly-furred tail. It is smaller than the mice they sell at Petco.) I got gloves and touched it. It did not do anything, so I carefully picked it up. Its eyes were open, it had a "scruff" on almost its whole body, and it did not struggle too much, so I think it's a baby. I'm even more certain of this because when I kept raking, I raked another one. It thrashed around but did not look hurt. I think I killed it, because it stopped moving. It's probably not just playing dead because the other one was not acting like that. Do you have any idea what they are? And more importantly, what they eat? I don't know if they still need milk or not.
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A pic is worth a thousand words....

Could it be a baby bunny?
no clue what kind of rodent without a pic.. but I soak my processed chicken in buttermilk for the night before baking or crockpotting.

Sounds like a pocket gopher which we have a lot of here in So Cal.
Where are YOU located? Could you take a picture for us. When I was a kid a buddy of mine lifted a bale of hay and under it was a nest of baby mice. The chickens came running and devoured the mice real fast. Are your chickens interested in eating the rodent in question? I would let them.
I gave it grass clippings, cracked corn mixed with wheat/grass seeds, chicken scratch, and sunflower seeds. I don't know if it ate any yet.

I live in Minnesota.

My chickens were coming over curiously, and they might have eaten it, but I did not let them.

I found out that the second baby rodent is dead. I buried it. Here are some pictures of the other one:



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