What was your free mystery chick from Murray Mcmurray hatchery??


This is my order see it has two. Maybe is because I ordered 25
that's the only thing I can think of
That is cool. Maybe an extra for body heat. Some people have not been getting extra chicks in their orders and some chicks are too cold and may not make it.
The post office called and all the chicks were dead when they got there
I am so sorry for your loss, I had the same thing happen last February, it just breaks your heart. My shipment got stuck in one location 2 extra days. All 36 froze to death. The hatchery replaced without any hassle thankfully. Again so sorry
my free chick was a barred rock...im thinking its a roo so i might have to get rid of him when he grows up.. he is only 2 weeks old
This is my second time ordering from McMurray (and chicks EVER, actually). My first "Free Exotic" was a Splash Blue Cochin male. That order was received mid-June, bright and early Monday morning after being shipped Saturday. We wound up losing 2 of those chicks - both of them because the chicks could not get the swallowing thing down and even though we were feeding them with an eye dropper, it just didn't work. Interestingly, those two were a RIR female and an Australorp male and we had another RIR female and 2 Australorp females in the same order that are very healthy to this day.

Yesterday, I received my second order which was for 35 chicks and they added 2 additional free besides the free exotic. Unfortunately, we had very bad weather and even though they held off shipping until Monday, we didn't get them until Wednesday morning and they were nearly all dead. Let me tell you - even though I knew it was going to be bad when they didn't show Tuesday, nothing can prepare you to dig through a box of mostly dead chicks trying to find any who are breathing. We initially pulled 7 that were peeping and there were about 8 additional clinging to life. At one point last night we had 13 looking somewhat promising, but today there are only 5. It's been a very long couple of days and nights. The most difficult thing about this is that I ordered 5 chicks for my 6 year old god daughter and she has been so excited for them to get here. We decided to just tell her that the shipment was delayed because of the bad weather (most of the truth).

Thankfully, they are going to be able to ship the replacement order this weekend and we are due some very mild weather. I'm not sure that we will get another "Free Exotic" with the replacement because we do have some chicks that survived that I don't yet know the breed.

After both of these very different experiences, I will order from McMurray again in the future. They have really been great to deal with both when things have gone right and terribly wrong. It is very rare to find a company these days whose employees will just sit and listen to you cry or be frantic and I sincerely appreciate them.

A relevant side note: You can call or email them and let them know that you would like your order as soon as those breeds become available rather than going by the website availability. If they have a higher hatch rate or order cancellation, etc. and your entire order can be shipped earlier, they will do it.

Now, to get back on topic, my Free Exotic Cohin's name is "Fluffy" who is now 8 months old and an absolute delight!
Has anyone ever actually picked up locally from Murray McMurray? We're only about 150 miles from them :) Just wondering what your experience was. I would imagine it would be much less stressful than shipping.
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