What would kill a goat this way?

Please don't take this the wrong way.

The chupacabra is like the yeti, bigfoot, and various other critters. Maybe it exists and maybe it doesn't.

It wasn't a bat. Even the largest bats in the world, which don't live in North America, couldn't kill a baby goat. Besides that they eat fruit. Vampire bats, which don't live in North America, can't kill a goat by biting its neck. They make make small razor like cuts and lap the blood from their victims.
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Yeah, a chupacabra isn't really a real creature. The X-Files wouldn't have done an episode about it if it was.
Real things wouldn't fit in very well along with the space aliens, etc.

Hopefully, people guessing that were just joking.
I agree. But don't knock the Chupa. Thats just a name they called it because they cannot identify it. I agree that it looks like mangy fox. But I know this, something killed them kid goats and I wouldn't want to meet it at night in my yard.

My grandmother was just talking about this with me lately. Her father lost his pet goat that way, and caught the weasel. Although, it must take a lot to actually kill it..... I can imagine how it would do that. But I would definatley vote for some breed of weasel!
I say coyote, fox or bobcat. Definitely NOT a bat(bats don't kill animals). Not sure about the weasel idea.
Just 'how big ' were the holes in the neck? Dog tooth size? Large cat tooth size? Weasel size? IMO, that would give you the most definitive answer. Also, IMO, if 20 were dead, that would lead me to believe a pack of animals. yes? No? Whatever it was, it sure is disturbing...
I am not sure of the size of the holes. I am assuming not very big, cause they didn't think it was any kind of dog. That is what makes it such a mystery and the fact that none were missing or eaten. Just the holes.


Nice, Angela! I can't get my kids to go outside and check on the chickens now. You have succeeded in scaring my 16 and 13 year-old boys to death! LOL! High five!

HAHAHA.......lol....are you serious?​

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