What would you do . . .

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I would have thrown her to the floor with a swift karate chop to the throat! Well, maybe slapped her wrist! O.K. I wouldn't have done anything, unless it got out of control because it's not my place to raise HER child.
I would mind my own business because it IS their child and not mine. We already have too many people running around trying to mind everybody's business but their own as it is.
What would I do?? Frown at the parent and give my dirtiest look ever. And it would end there. However, IMHO, a parent that would slap a 3 year across the face probably goes further in the privacy of their own home. Then again, we have no idea if that kid said the F word either.
What would you do? Call a cop? Im sure they would be happy to explain to you that the woman broke no laws. Corporal punishment is still ok in the US as long as it leaves no lasting damage, broken bones, bruises, blisters or cuts
My ds who is now 18 told me to (F/U) when he was about 8 and yes he got 1 smack in the mouth and he has never said it to me since
Absolutely mind my own business. The debate over corporal punishment could go on and on, but the bottom line is that people should be able to raise their children the way they see fit.

I'm not saying I agree with face slapping, just that it's not my business.
SO many people complain about kids acting up in Walmart or whatever then want to FROWN at they when they do punish.
I have popped my 2 year old son in the mouth for screaming and crying because I wouldnt let him down out the the buggy. So what?
Talking to him and trying to reason with him wasnt working and Im not one of the parents that will bribe my kid with a coke or cookie!

And guess what else I did!
I was holding his hand in the store one day and he was floppin all around trying to grab stuff off the shelf so you know what I did?
I pulled down one of his pants legs and popped him on the leg and told him enough was enough and I wasnt having it anymore!
When I looked up there was a dad with his daughter walking down the isle just a smiling (Im guessing because hed been there and done that..)

OOH and then one day last week at the ball field he wouldnt stop running onto the field after repeted time outs and Nos so I spanked him there too.

I mean if the lady full out reared back her hand and gave the child whip lash then that is not right but if it was a quick pop to tell him to be quiet (sometimes a child needs to know where the action is coming from that needs to be stopped) than I dont see anything wrong with it.
I guess it would depend on how hard and with what intent..... a full swing back hand or a good attention getting smack are different. I don't have a problem with it as long as it wasn't extreme and she was in control of her self when she did it. Dicipline needs to be fair, and I wouldn't use slapping as the general rule, but sometimes it's called for.

Generally, I get really ticked off when people allow their kids to be out of control and they disrupt everyone around them. Of course if she was definatly abusing the kid then ya have to get involved.
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Hmm I have a very strong opinion about child ABUSE however one pop (not a fist of course) isnt abuse to me, its a correction. I have a VERY sassy 4 year old dd that is smarter than most 8 year olds (ask the preschool tester lol) anyway she knows which buttons to push and when to push them.
It honestly depends what was going on... what the child was doing ...
I'd just mind my own business.. i think.
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