What would you do . . .

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This is how I feel. Disrespect breeds disrespect. The only time I spanked my daughter was when she was about 3. We were walking in town and she started crossing the street before I could react. I reached out and pulled her back to me, swatted her behind, and explained how dangerous the road/cars are. She cried, I picked her up, hugged her, and explained the only correct way to cross a street was to hold a grown-up's hand. It worked. I've always been a firm believer in the use of words to get a point across.

well my parents only hit me once, but I was called, stupid, fat, whore, slut, brat...you name it. Abuse is just hititng, and hitting isn't always abuse. The OP should be more clear on what happened.
I feel like I need to clear up a few things for those of you that are actually reading this thread and not just posting replys. I came around a corner to head down an aisle ( no one else was on ) and saw a woman slap a child (3-4) across the face. It was LOUD (the slap). The woman was pushing a buggy the kid was in so they were almost face to face. This was not a pop ON the mouth.The child was not screaming/crying before or after the slap. The woman looked at this child in a way I hope to never look at a child. I have no idea what prompted the slap. I do know that this shocked me in a way that made me want to cry. I felt like the child was being bullied. I have thought about this alot since yesterday and even prayed about it. I am a fairly new parent ( my son is 2 ) and I know I do not have all the answers to being a perfect parent. I know now that I will never slap my son across the face the way that woman slapped her child. It was ugly and was not done in love or a desire to teach her child. She lost control. Sometimes it takes seeing things from the outside and not as a participant to get a better understanding. I wonder if I had not seen this if I would of ever slapped my son. IDK.There is a difference in a smack on the bottom, pop on the mouth, thump on the ear and what I saw.

Some of you have been a little rude in your replys and some of you have even border line bragged about spanking your children. It does not take much to be bigger than a toddler and that's why parents need to be smarter, more patient and some times more stubborn. There is a difference in "minding your own business" and being concerned for the welfare of a child. I have seen kids spanked in public before but this incident was just "off" to me and I felt like I needed to get some opinions/thoughts on it. I'm sorry if I offended anyone.
I thought a slap for a young one that small sounded off. I probably would have said something, but that's just me. I have a big mouth when it comes to kids being hurt.
No not offended. i'm glad you explained better here exactly what happened. The fact that the child did not cry, now that worries me. My child screams if I pop them, becasue they are scared and they aren't used to it. Achild that doesn't cry after being slapped across the face that way, then IMO is likely a daily occurence, then the tears and crying might be met with even more hitting.
Yes I might have then gotten involved. I would have probably followed her to her car, and wrote down the tag, and reported the incident.

Dawn, from your description of this situation and the child's reaction, I'd guess that this child is a victim of abuse. You were faced with a lose/lose situation. To have intervened might have caused the child more abuse the moment you were out of sight. You were faced with a situation that you had no control over. Hopefully there is someone closer to the situation who will call a stop to it. It's a sad fact thet thousands of people are abused on a daily basis. One of the many reasons I've always preferred animals to most humans. Please, don't torment yourself over this.
First of all I am offended that you said people here (and I know my post is included) are bragging about spanking their children.
Who is bragging?! I do not LOVE spankings. In fact I remember as a child saying "ILL NEVER SPANK MY KIDS" but you know what?! Its called for at times!
It just gets me upset that people get so upset about a child getting spanked.

I will say what I thought this woman did was unfitting. I HATE HATE HATE to see a child get abused and I WILL step in some way or another.

So what?
And guess what else I did!
OOH and then one day last week

Did anyone really need to hear all that? I am sorry you are offended but to post something like that and then get upset when I use the words "border line bragging"is really silly.
Who is trying to start a fight? What opinion did I offer that someone disagreed with? I feel a little insulted by that statement. If you are going to make an accusation like that the least you can do is back it up with some hostile or rude quote that came from ME. I felt like the thread was, for the most part, people offering opinions on the situation respectfuly. I used words like "a little rude" and "border line bragging" . How are those words ( the strongest I used ) trying to start a fight?
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