What would you do . . .

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Animals who have no real "moral value" will punish their "children".
You have to teach right from wrong

Im not saying to punch the kid out but a spanking now and then never hurt anyone
And that reminds me you can't hit your dogs or cats either....but you can hit your kid...whats up with that....
I hit everything. I hit a grocery cart yesterday. Today I tripped and hit the wall. I hit my dog for jumping on my lap(she's 90 pounds and it hurt!), and I hit my kid because we were play fighting and she hit me in the arm. Life is so violent!

Seriously, hitting a kid is not an issue... IF it is for teaching and not too hard. I wouldn't hit my kid with a baseball bat, but I have with a paddle or my hand. I do not hit my kids in the face, although I have tapped their mouth a time or two. The real issue of this thread is no explanation of whether she slapped the kid hard enough to spin his head around, or popped him enough to make him stop his behavior. I have no issue with corporral punishment, unless it is too much. I have gotten into it with parents who were extreme, and likely will again. By extreme I mean...drunk...left a 3 WEEK old child in the vehicle with windows rolled up and music blasting in the hot Georgia summer. The kid was screaming and I told the mother she needed to take her inside. She didn't, so I did. The mother got in my face, and I busted her mouth. I'd do it again. THAT is child abuse. It was neglect. It would have been different if the AC was running and the music was turned down some. My previous comment on this thread was a bit vague. I would only ever intervene if it was serious enough to warrant immediate intervention. I didn't even have time to call the police...that baby would have died of heat stroke by the time they got there. It was 100 degrees that day. People ARE stupid...sometimes somebody has no choice but to step up.
And that reminds me you can't hit your dogs or cats either....but you can hit your kid...whats up with that....

Ill punish my dogs with a quick spank..
It would be like another dog nipping them and saying 'Hey! Thats not ok!'
Wow it never ceases to amaze me how one question gets peoples panties in a twist...

When my 8 yo DS old told me "mind my own d&%$ business" he got popped in the mouth.. Yes it was in public, yes there where witnesses, was or is it abuse, NO its a consequence.. The witnesses were staring at me with a wide range of emotions from outright anger to appreciation.. I even had an elderly lady that heard and saw the whole thing approach me and thank me .. Her comment was that there are too many youngsters that get away with that and it was refreshing to see someone that didnt allow their children to talk to them that way...

This going back and forth about wether it is the same for a grown man to hit his wife and parent to punish their child is ridiculuos... When its a parent reprimanding a child it is from a place of love , when it is an abusive husband/wife/boy/gilrfriend then its control .. Not love...
Well said!
This is how I feel. Disrespect breeds disrespect. The only time I spanked my daughter was when she was about 3. We were walking in town and she started crossing the street before I could react. I reached out and pulled her back to me, swatted her behind, and explained how dangerous the road/cars are. She cried, I picked her up, hugged her, and explained the only correct way to cross a street was to hold a grown-up's hand. It worked. I've always been a firm believer in the use of words to get a point across.

I hit everything. I hit a grocery cart yesterday. Today I tripped and hit the wall. I hit my dog for jumping on my lap(she's 90 pounds and it hurt!), and I hit my kid because we were play fighting and she hit me in the arm. Life is so violent!

Seriously, hitting a kid is not an issue... IF it is for teaching and not too hard. I wouldn't hit my kid with a baseball bat, but I have with a paddle or my hand. I do not hit my kids in the face, although I have tapped their mouth a time or two. The real issue of this thread is no explanation of whether she slapped the kid hard enough to spin his head around, or popped him enough to make him stop his behavior. I have no issue with corporral punishment, unless it is too much. I have gotten into it with parents who were extreme, and likely will again. By extreme I mean...drunk...left a 3 WEEK old child in the vehicle with windows rolled up and music blasting in the hot Georgia summer. The kid was screaming and I told the mother she needed to take her inside. She didn't, so I did. The mother got in my face, and I busted her mouth. I'd do it again. THAT is child abuse. It was neglect. It would have been different if the AC was running and the music was turned down some. My previous comment on this thread was a bit vague. I would only ever intervene if it was serious enough to warrant immediate intervention. I didn't even have time to call the police...that baby would have died of heat stroke by the time they got there. It was 100 degrees that day. People ARE stupid...sometimes somebody has no choice but to step up.
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