Whats the STORY behind your interesting CHICKEN NAMES?

Okay, just from page one this was funny.... My mom used to call me Poopy Patty, from an incident when my dad was "watching" me.... art work, that's all I'll say...

The Humpty Dumpty story is just too awesome, it's great he survived!

My "Football" is a SS hen that mostly refuses to go into the coop at night. I carry her like a football back to the coop, and she's got that classic football coloring.

As far as the AS Roo Satan, they do look like that, don't they? I have one too! I call him Bowie.

I'm going to keep reading, I love these Name stories...
This is a fun thread - you all have clever names! Here are mine:

"Blue" - blue wyandotte (yawn, I know, she used to be "Spring" but it just didn't fit her. Now I always say "You're mah girl, Blue" when I go into the pen and she comes running)

"Tenders" - GLW - she became a chicken tenders dinner for the red-tail hawk that lives across the street from me. RIP.

"Chirpie" - Brown Leghorn - I didn't name her, but it fits - she is a talker and the egg song from her is ridiculous

"Chick Norris" - B Aussie - my neighbor picked this name and I loved it.

"The Kardashians" - 2 B. Aussies that I thought were hens but both turned out to be roos. They were Kalm Kardashian and Krazy Kardashian. They were always starved for attention, but never did anything to deserve it. I sold them.

"Frank N Chicken" - dominique EE cross I posted his pics in another forum) he used to be Oreo when I thought he was pure bred, but then a lot of orange and green feathers started appearing, so he became frankenchicken.

"Coco Chanel" & "Grace Jones" are my two gold-laced polish tophap ladies.

"Chatty Cathy" was a prod red who WOULD. NOT. SHUT. UP. EVERRRRRRRRRRRRR. But she always had something nice to say. Her crop went sour and I didn't catch it in time. RIP.

"Mrs. Higgenbotham" - light brahma - she was a very pushy chicken. Literally. She pushed her way through the door of the tractor out in the yard and my siberian husky thought she was a battery--operated chew toy. RIP.

"Poppy" & "Daffodil" - new Swedish Flower Hens (7 weeks old). Naming them after flowers seemed appropriate. The fact that definitely Poppy and maybe Daffy are both males makes it less so. But I can't think of any masculine flower names, so we'll just run with it. We operate a "judgment-free zone" at our house.

That's it....so far.......

ETA: I forgot I had a white silkie chick for a few weeks called "Tikkitikkitembonosarembocherryberryriccipipperrypembo" but I just called her "Tikki". She only made it for about 4 weeks.
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This is a cute topic. Loving all the names and will most likely use some in the future. I'll add a couple of my birds names. Most are boring or not named yet.

Soul Sister - she cried and stayed beside the cage of a pullet who was penned for bad behavior
Twisty - every time you hold her she twists her head all around

My Showgirls - they just had to have unique names so I went with Las Vegas hotel names
pullet - Mirage
cockerel - Mandalay Bay
have 2 more chicks in brooder which will be Excalibur and Golden Nugget. Their Coop is the Cluxor (Luxor)
Our hens are not named, but our 3 main roosters are:

T-Rex - even as a chick, he was dominant - when he started to feather out, and get more vocal, he looked like a little dinosaur. He is our head rooster, and the name still fits. He's king of his domain.

Butch - my nice rooster. He is polite, eats nicely out of my hand. He's the 'prettiest' rooster we have, my favorite. Mannerly to me and to the 'girls'.

Bubba - well, we're in the south! LOL. He's my least favorite rooster. Not very nice to the girls, flogged me once when I was in the pen to refill the feeder. I taught him a lesson, but when we get a nice weekend, he's going to end up in the stew pot or pressure cooker. I only have 10 adult hens, and 10 pullets that were born around Halloween, so I don't need 3 roosters. Goodbye, Bubba!
Awe, this one sounds sweet!

LT's full name is LT 23 II. If you must know, I named her after Adelaide airport's localiser transmitter, which I was going through an obsessive phase with at the time.
We have 2 whiteleghorns that we named "Spot" and "Snowhite". When they were just 7 days old, they survived the F5 tornado that came through in April. The shed they were in was competely gone, all that was left was the green plastic tub our chicks were in and a wire cage that my friends chicks were in. Although covered is debris and very dirty, they survived. After that we started calling them the "Twister Sisters". After a few weeks, we noticed they seemed a little psyco. Must have been the twister. Their name has now morphed into the "Psyco Sisters" This name has stuck.
2 other chicks had their names morphed also. The Wife named one "Cleopatra". After she got grown, she walks around grawling, squawking and just making sounds like she is gripping about everything. Her name has morphed into "Granny". one other had the name, "J-Li". our Goddaughters initals. She has morphed into the "Enforcer". Yes she keeps everyone in line. Our other chick is named "Blondie". She is still Blondie, but now she is the favorite chick, and she knows it.
My ducks are named after characters from our favorite movies or T.V. shows. Examples:
Spock & Tiberius- Star Trek
Merry & pippin- Lord of the Rings
Howl, Calsifer, and Sophie- Howls Moving Castle
Ino, Hinata, and Sakura- Naruto

And then my chickens are:

Oh, names! I'm getting a big kick out of reading all the great ones people have come up with. Makes me feel better about having so much fun with our own birds' names. We have:

Sonar, the hen who hatched without eyes
Major Disappointment, the GL Polish who I so hoped was a hen . . . and turned out to be a pretty darned good rooster, so these days I just call him Major
Dot and Dash, the speckled Sussex sisters
Poirot the Belgian Bearded d'Uccle, and his hen Christie (Agatha passed away)
Shoe, our Venerable Ancient hen; she hatched with a twisted foot and wore an orthotic shoe for many weeks (it didn't work, sadly)
Abner the Icelandic rooster; when I got him, I didn't know his gender, but over the next few weeks I started calling him in my head "Almost Certainly Another Bloomin' Rooster", or ACABR. When he declared himself to be Another Bloomin' Rooster all right, I decided ABR was close enough to Abner
Hikaru the Phoenix rooster
Potion the EE rooster: he was the ninth chick to hatch of our summer incubator babies, and he was such a little squawky spazz that I decided to razz him by dubbing him "Love Potion #9"
Cadge the EE hen, who is always looking for a handout
Charger, another EE hen, who got her name when she chased a cottontail out of the chicken yard
Donna King, a Silkie/EE mix hen with a hairdo that looks unsettlingly like Don King's
Lumpy Houdan, who had terrible pox when she was younger. The lumps eventually went away, but the name stuck
Jake the blue Andalusian rooster; he used to have a twin brother named Elwood . . . their father was Blue . . . making them the Blues Brothers
Fray, who has fray gene; she has a friend with the same problem whose name is Raggedy Ann, and there's a sibling named Raggedy Angie
Cubie the Icelandic, jet black with copper hackles; Cu + black = Cubie
Pen-Pen the EE hen, who was my "penguin" chick; her legs eventually went back to normal, but she got a turned foot in the process
Wellington the Welsummer rooster
The three young cuckoo Marans: Tick, Tock, and their rooster CC (Cuckoo Clock--because he was supposed to be a hen, and he's driving me crazy!)

And in the peapen, we have:
Mihoshi the Idiot, who earned her name early on, and continues to prove why
There's also Mihoshi's daughter Driselda, who was one of the Evil Stepsisters when she was younger (Anastasia was even worse, and got herself sold to a neighbor)
Love the stories here! lol

Most of my birds have not so interesting names...however a few of the call ducks I brought home earned some interesting names...

I was at a German Club spring cook out, and the German club teacher loves ducks, so I brought along three call ducks.
Some of the other students were just in awe over the ducks, and one student named the smallest bird "Big Bertha." And I loved it.
Over the next couple weeks I discovered that while Big Bertha was a bit more aloof, my other hen did quite well with the drake and they were reproducing frequently. I named her "Easy."
After awhile I brought home quite a few more call ducks, and my original drake being the largest (borderline mallard) was at the top of the pecking order. And did a very good job ensuring all of the hens were bred. So I named him after the famous golfer, "Tiger."

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