Whats the STORY behind your interesting CHICKEN NAMES?

You guys crack me up!! What a funny thread!

We're big music fans and our first group of hens were named after Black Crowes songs.

We've rotated some stock, had a few die, but what we have now is:

(Favorite) Sister Luck -(Black Crowes song)
(Favorite) Moo Goo -(Paul Black Song)
Broody -yes she is often broody
Fluff Head
Fluff Butt (RIP a hawk got her)

Then our next batch:
The Owl Sisters (identical of course)
Francine (American Dad)
Lois (Family Guy)
Squeeze -cause when she was teeny she was so cute and ya just wanna squeeze her!
The Other One -RIR and just always seemed to be the other one.

Then we got 3 Silver Laced and named them after our favorite cities in WI which is where we're from:
Madison (Madi)
Milwaukee (Mili)
Cross Plains (CP) our small town of 3000 people.

and of course another banty named Muffin Top

Then I rescued a Buff who's whole flock of friends had been eaten by a raccoon and when I went to pick her up it was really dark out. The owner was out of town due to a death in her family so we were supposed to just go behind the house and get her. Said her name was Zoey. We call her Zoey Moonbeam cause that's all we had to light our way to find her.

Love all your stories!! Chickens are so rad!
My mom and I were discusing christmas names for our first chick and she said " Well it is the first... so how about the first Noel!" It just stuck!!!!
We have Curly a rooster who was born with a deformity in it's toes. A turkey named Georgette Christmas. Georgette was originally George (thought we were getting a tom) and George was from the looney toons cartoon because I think it's Elvira who used to say "I'm going to hug it and squeeze it and love it and call it George" and Christmas because Georgette WAS going to be Christmas dinner...
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I don't name chickens. I have 4 roosters whose names are A, B, C and D in order of which I allow them to mate the hens of the same breed based on their breed characteristics.


Let's see....

The Roosters:

Barb - Short for Barbecue, though he never lived up to his name.

Napoleon - We at first thought he was a hen, and thus called him Josephine. When we discovered our mistake, we changed his name to Josephine Boneparte's husband -- Napoleon Bonaparte.

Tux and Ragamuffin/Puffy and Buffy - These were two White Silkie roosters who would have been identical, if it hadn't been for the fact that Ragamuffin/Buffy's feather's were forever dirty and more raggedy than Tux/Puffy's, who always had fluffy, clean white ones.

Hamburger - This was a nickname for a tiny OEGB rooster. Even now, long after his tragic death, I'm not really sure he was really an Old English, judging from his small size and portliness.

Hitler, Robespierre, and Stalin - These were three bantam Mille Fleur D'Uccles, all evil roosters that seemed to want nothing in life but to kill me.

Crossbeak -- This was, obviously, a crossbeak rooster.
Well, I won't be getting mine til February, but strangely enough my brother and I were discussing this this morning.

Broiled, "Ala" King, Stewie, Soup, Fricassee, and "with" Dumpling(s).

All this so that when it comes time to eat them I will be used to the idea.

My first 3 ISA Browns were unnamed but 1, she moulted at a different time to the other 2 so became Pretty when she had her new feathers through and the other 2 were looking scabby. (RIP all 3)
I bought a cock: Meatball (RIP) - was so small that if I was to turn him in to a meal that's all I would get
Then I hatched chicks and kept on 2 pullets: Sunshine (RIP) - yellow fluff and her feathers were more golden than buff
Porcelain - buff with white around her face until her adult feathers came through buff
and sold a cockerel: Chicken - he was lovely with me but would attack other people, I would stroke his comb and say, "Oh chicken chicken" to calm him down
I bought: pullet Dalmatian (RIP) - white with random black feathers and orange around her face
cockerel Jazzy (RIP) - black with multicoloured sheen
pullet Pastel - pale brown and blue
hen Ember - black with orange tips to her neck feathers
I hatched some more: pullet Peerie Moot - tiny Silkie cross
pullet Couchy - layed her first egg on my couch PIC BELOW
pullet Cocoa - her black has a slight brownish look to it and her red is very dusky
cockerel Rusty - pyle in colour with the red being the colour of rust
pullet Cobra - after I stroke her wattles if I sway she will sway too
pullet Flutter (RIP) - would run and flap at the same time to be the first to meet me at the croft gate
pullet Rubix - Ixworth with a red ring, always written as R IX
pullet Mitten (SOLD) - had white legs but one had a black mark that looked like a fingerless glove
pullet Puss Cat - as a chick would cuddle up under my chin and make purry noises
pullet Ninja Chicken - flew at me over the fence in a ninja style pose, since naming her I've noticed that she karate kicks the other birds
cockerel Daddy - had him seperate from the flock as a year old and raised chicks in with him. he acted all broody
pullet Bluebell (RIP) - she was blue
cockerel Robin - had a very red breast as a chick
cockerel Picky - will peck at everything
cockerel Chickie - made peepy noises right up to 20 weeks old and only started crowing then
cockerel Bluey - black with the most beautiful blue sheen
cockerel Specky - is black with cream specks to the tips of some feathers and has white lacing on his breast
There are also a few badly behaved chickens I shall not name for the sake of little eyes and ears.

My ducks are: MUSCOVIES
drake Elvis (RIP) - the crest and head bobbing reminded me of him for some reason
Spot (RIP) - had 2 white feathers in her black area
Blaze (RIP) - white head with black crest
Magpie (RIP) - marked like the crow
Grace - after Graceland because of the drake
drake Buddy - in keeping with my oldtime singers theme
Holly - follows on from Buddy
Cricket (RIP) - Buddy Holly's band

drake Bisho - blue ring
Rosh - red ring
Posh (RIP) - purple ring
Gosh - green ring
Osh - no ring
duckling Whistle - will come to me when I whistle

Couchy and her first egg. The towel and blanket were warm out of the dryer.
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I didn't name my first three, since they are identical. Now that I've got more (and some look different), they are getting names.

Partridge silkie - Chewie (like Chewbacca)
Orange silkie mix - LT (because she looks like little yellow lt's insignia)
White silkie mix - Hedwig
White silkie with cinnamon brown blaze - Nutmeg
Black silkie mix with black cap (little cuddle bug) - Vader
Black silkie mix with black cap (escape artist) - Mr. Bond
I'm trying not to get too attached to these guys since I won't be able to keep any that turn out to be roos, but I need to socialize them and the names seem to help!

Buff Orpington - Daffodil
Dominique - Amelia (After Amelia Earhart - she took off over the fence into the neighbor's yard the first chance she got!)
Being a child of the eighties..Cagney and Lacey, Maude, Laverne and Shirley, etc., plus Big Momma, Ugly Betty, Peggy (lost a toe to a coon), 'Ol Woman (what my dad loving calls mom), Choco (the Buckeye), Polly (had one eye), and Mary aka Mother Superior (the little BO that's the boss lady.) Then there's the boys..Buddy and Freddy (great place to eat in Fl), Little Man (the bantam), Fuzz (the Cochin), Red (the RIR), and FricK and Frack cuz I was sure they were hens and they both turned into FRICKIN' roos!!
I suppose my most interesting chicken name is the name of my bantam frizzle Polish rooster, PJ. It stands for Partybird Junior, which is the name of his dad......

Also, there is a little hen, I call her Petite Miss. She's petite, compared to the other large fowl hens, and she's a character....Thinks she's a princess......In truth, she's a very poor quality cream Brabanter, but hey, I love her to bits and I think she's as cute as a button! She was a great layer in her day....I think she's too old to lay now, so she's retired but she's got a home for the rest of her life.....

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