Whats the weirdest thing your chickens have eaten or tried to eat??

This doesn't really compare to the other stuff here, but it was a bit astonishing for a new chicken owner. I went out to eat with my friend the other day. Me, excited that I can now give leftovers to my chickens--reduce waste and save money!--asked her to save the various bits of her meal in a doggy bag.

Put the styrofoam thing out there. When I next went out there, it was all gone--leftovers and styrofoam. I was quite worried lol.
Oops. I guess styrofoam's not that unusual. Should have read some more of the previous posts before posting.
Mine LOVE citronella candles. I have to hide them, or they get whittled down pretty fast by 4 beaks. My buff particularly likes it.

Ive also gotten pecked in the tooth, not too long after feeding them corn which they love (no my teeth are not that yellow :)
My americauna died from eating a roofing nail. She acted hunched up and sick for weeks, I treated the whole flock for cochi to no avail. Had to discard the eggs for weeks,ect,ect. I had no idea what did her in until a necropsy was done. Roofing nail imbedded in the gizzard- must have been there a very long time because it was cysted over and half way corroded to nothing...
I came out to do chicken chores one morning, and found a sparrow in my garage. I finally chased it out into a bush and left a little feed and water in the bush hoping it would recover. About an hour later I was inside at the table on the computer and saw a couple of my hens run past the window..."uh-oh...what did they find..." Sure enough, my RIR, Ginger had gotten ahold of the sparrow and was running around like crazy with it while the others chased her. I didn't particulary want to watch her devour the sparrow so I caught her and wrenched the sparrow out (which was even still clinging to life). I don't think it survived long though. Poor thing, so much for my rescue mission.
My girls walk up to the back french-doors and peel off and eat all of the Weather Stripping off of it
. Not really much I can do about it... except maybe stop replacing it every time they destroy it!

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