whats wrong with my hen? *video* unbalanced...NEW VIDEO~post#385

That's great about the Vitamin B therapy. Do you give them any other supplements?
Actually I am just giving them nutritional yeast now a days but I offer it in their food to all of them, symptoms or not. Im not taking any chances having seen the results of the vitamin B deficiency.
Thank you for your kind words. I love my chickens. They are my family.
Many folks added to this thread. Id love to hear of your success stories after vitamin B or any treatment. Im so sorry to learn that so many of you are dealing with similar problems with your birds. If it is indeed a vitamin B deficiency that caused your problems with your birds, isnt it sad that this information isnt more widely available to chicken owners.
Please write back and let us all know how your sick birds progress.
Thanks for all you information about Vit. B defiency. We will start our girl on this today. Did you put anything else in their water such as Poly Vi Sol?

Thanks for all your help.
vitiman E or have checked for Mareks. I lost a few to Mareks after they have had the vacc. so cant hurt to check? Mine also acted drunk at one time and the vet said vitiman E and it worked. Good luck!
In the beginning, before learning of the potential vitamin B deficiency as the culprit I crushed my high potency multi vitamin for Baby and put it in the water in the dropper bottle. On that alone I saw no improvement. That is not to say the intensive vitamin B therapy cannot be supported by any other vitamin therapy, Im just saying I believe it was the intensive B that did the trick. I saw improvement within days and he was completely paralyzed, I couldnt even get his toes to curl around my finger and he acted as if he had no feeling in his legs and wings.
This sounds exactly like my chicken. I don't think she has the symptoms of Mareks but I wish I could make a seat her for like you did (that was you wasn't it? LOL). I'm off to get the Vitamin B right now...I'd like to know more about how much to give her....several a day or what? And if I give her yeast, how much of that? I have the little packets of yeast to use in rolls, etc. I have another thread going about this, btw. I guess I can't overdose on vitamins. At least it is that way with kids (if there is no iron). I was a Pediatric nurse for many years, but my knowledge about that doesn't help me with chickens!
Thanks. Keep the info coming.
You are correct that you cant over-dose on WATER SOLUBLE vitamins, of which the B's are part. I read somewhere not to give vitamins with iron to the chickens and Id be careful with the fat-soluble vits such as A, E and D just as in humans.
I was so anxious for help for Baby. I crushed on high potency B with each offering of food. He never ate the entire amount as other chickens ended up getting some of the food offering, particularly Little Friend, his constant companion through it all, besides myself.

Baby and Little Friend just prior to the paralysis:

Baby and Little Friend during the paralysis. Baby could not move around so Little Friend would lay next to him most of the time.
What sweet pictures! I love that Little Friend hung in there with Baby.
At the health food part of the grocery store, I could not find any high potency B groups...The only high potency one I saw was for only one of the B vitamins. I did buy one called B-100 Complex. It has eight B vitamins in it. Is this the right one to use? It says it is for energy and nerves. Directions say to take one a day. I haven't opened it, and since it is factory sealed, I might can take it back. So I hope you can tell me if this one is good to use. I also got her some plain yogurt and some grapes. I won't give her this vitamin until I hear back from you.
I know I can crush one up in a small amount of yogurt and she will eat it all. I think she spills some of her water, so I am not sure about putting it in there. I don't have a dropper to feed her water with....should have gotten one at the store.
Thanks for your help! I would be so happy to see her up and about!
Six of the 8 B vitamins in each pill, are well over the 100% RDA. And this is for humans. You think 2 or 3 a day is OK?
I'll get this straight in my mind sooner or later, I hope!
Thanks, I will try the vitamin B. I am willing to try anything if it will help my girl. I picked her up today, and she was shaking. She loves my company, and im trying to spend as much time with her as I can in case there is something going on that I can't fix, and these are her last few days. We don't have a chicken vet around, believe me, I would have taken her already. BYC is my chicken vet! I will go get some vitamin B tomorrow morning from the health store. I have not tried vitamin E yet, but I have been giving her a lot of wheat germ with yogurt every night along with the PolyVisol vitamins. No improvement so far. Thanks for all the posts back.
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