What's wrong with these polish chicks?

May 1, 2020
We bought 2 polish chicks from a hobby farmer nearby. We didn't realize the deformities until we got home. The first photo was taken today and the second photo was taken 2 weeks ago. It seems like he/ she can't close their mouth all the way. What's wrong with it and what can I do to help?
The third and fourth photos are of their feet that turn in. Is it too late to correct this problem?
These look like birth defects and there is really nothing you can do about it. The feet being turned in as you say, maybe that could have been corrected when they were newborn chicks, but it is too late now as the bones have hardened too much. The beak cannot be corrected as far as I know.

Do they have any trouble eating, drinking or walking? You should keep an eye on the beak as in time the upper beak tends to grow faster than the lower beak, and it could grow more uneven and need to be filed down.

It is impossible to know why these birth defects occur but there is a small possibility of some kind of nutritional deficiency in the parent stock, so it doesn't hurt to boost your chicks with poultry vitamins in their water.
Definitely birth defects, whether it's genetic or something that happened during incubation, I don't know. The beak issue may cause problems down the line as far as eating so just keep an eye on that. If you were thinking about breeding, I'd definitely not breed these two, just in case it is genetic.

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