What's YOUR chickens' favorite treat?


Frugal Fan Club President
Premium Feather Member
16 Years
Jan 20, 2008
Mine hate yogurt, won't touch the stuff . . . except for one, who goes crazy for it. The treat that never fails to turn into a feeding frenzy is a nice handful of roaches. They like them even more than the phoenix worms and crickets I catch for them! The jury's still out on veggies, but they'll eat no end of grass. Boiled eggs are a no no, but if I prepare them any other way they go crazy.

What's your chickens' favorites?
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Mine love just about anything but Bridgette (house chicken/cornish x) LOVES peas and carrots LoL And will eat them from my fingers, its a nightly treat for her.
They love hard boiled eggs, a bowl of warm oatmeal, corn bread, cooked pasta, kale, watermelon, tomatoes, and just about anything that I put out for them in the evening (that's our time of day for treats). They do hate most berries, will eat strawberries though, and yogurt. Silly birds!
When some of the rescued 'broiler boys' had to be in the house for URIs I made them banana oatmeal everynight (it was Jan. and so cold) they LOVED it!

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