What's Your Chickens names and Why are they named that?

Betty- Black Langshan
Gertrude- Black Sex Link
Edmae- Red Sex Link Roo (This was named after my great grandma, turned out a Roo though)
Elsie-Welsummer Roo( named after my grandma because of how loud she is haha)
Rooster-Blue Langshan Roo
Zinc- Self Blue Old English Bantam
Bertie- White Silkie Roo
Stella- red sex link
Ella- red sex link
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My chickens are named :

Blanche-- white leghorn (blanche is white in French)
Ginger -- red sex link. She is not really ginger colored, but I wanted to name a hen Ginger :)
Leila --black Jersey Giant --Leila is arabic for night beauty
Buffy--buff orpington, obvious

Black copper marans -Cocoa, because of the chocolate colored eggs
White Araucana--Skye, because of the light blue eggs
Rhode Island Red -Rosie.
Black Star/Sex LInk --Halle
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mine was rusty because his hackles were a rust colour but he died this summer of a thing that makes there eyes infected and filled with puss so i had to give him the old log and hatchet he was a dutch bantam
We have many chickens that are names but one to point out I have a blue silkie (the picture for my profile pic) and her name is Sweety which totally fits her: she's very, very sweet not only to me but the other chickens too.
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I have a 5 yr old Ameraucana rooster named Cracker and his hens are Pansy, Houdini, Betty, Veronica, Midge, Ethel, Tiny, and 5 others without names.
I have a Poland rooster named Truman and his hens are Henrietta, Martha and Lizzie.
I have 2 Silkie roosters named Spud and Tattoo and their hens are Snowball, Honey, Q-Tip, Zelda, Sumo & Inky.
My NYD hatchlings so far include Tumbleweed, Cactus, Hoss and Slowpoke (Ameraucana Xs), Tex (BCM) and 7 others without names.
I name my pets after my ancestors. I don't know why, I just do.

I have Grace (Gracie) Zerilda and Elizabeth (Liza) Bellinda - my newly adopted chickens :)
I also have two cats: Sister Margaret (Sister) and Tonk, her brother.
One oscar fish - who was formerly known as Hank. After my grandfather Henry until he laid eggs (the fish - not grandpa!) so I changed her name to my grandma's. Gretchen a.ka. Dammit. We refer to her as dammit more often than Gretchen because she's always destroying things! Her favorite hobby is ripping the intake off the canister filter ... Dammit!
I also have a bunch of crows, jays and squirrels that hang around begging for more peanuts. I can't tell them apart besides species, so I named them all Pest

And yes, I do talk to them :) A very bad habit I sometimes forget to stifle when we have human company lol
my family has 3 chickens. we only have that much because i live in san jose California. My bard rock hen's name is Checkers. I named her checkers because he feathers are checkered and she is 2 years old .My sisters Bufforfington hen's name is Lily and don't ask me why my sister named her that.My mom's chicken is a Rhode Island red her name is Marsala. my mom named her that because my mom liked chicken marsala.Marsala is also a hen .

Red is my BO rooster (not very original, I know! lol!)
4 BO hens are Dumpling, Noodle, Baldie and Swooshie
RIR - Lucy
5 EE names are Ethel, Betty, Verdie, Camo (had a camouflage looking spot on head as a chick) and Ruby
EE rooster named Junior
Eddy, We named him Edna then he was rooster. So I felt bad changing his name after all those weeks. So I say Eddy is his middle name and that he goes by his middle name. He was named Edna because I live in a small town called Edna Valley.

Chirp, This hen was named Chirp because when I got her she kept chirping!

Ginger, She was named Ginger cause she looked like she should be.

Daisy, She was named Daisy because the name fit her

Sunshine, She was named this because she looks like the sun. She is yellow (BO)

Olive, She was named after a black olive she's black cause she's a Black Australorp

Herki, one of my family members wanted to name this hen Hercules we wouldn't let him so we named her Herki

Red, Red was named Red because she's red. (RIR)

Ruthie, She is named this because she is a RIR I wanted al my RIRs to have names starting with R

Oreo, Oreo is a rooster I didn't name him I adapted him from someone so...

Snapple, Just liked the name

Noodle, Also just liked the name

Garbanzo, Liked the name

Hoot, She was named Hoot because she looked like a owl when she was born

Bumblebee, When he was a chick he was yellow and black now he's a beautiful black rooster

Licorice, He was named this just because we like the name!

Moose, Moose was named moose because we had another chicken named Goose who was recently killed =(

Gandhi, he was named this because we thought t would be a good name

Trooper, Trooper is named Trooper because she is a trooper she survived after struggling out of her egg
I have a rooster.his name is JR.he is named after JR EWING from the dalles series.JR .his ladies are sopia,samantha.jo jo peanut,TT jr,and chuncky.my grandkids named the ladies.I named the rooster JR.I think and hope he will be as clever as JR and take real good care of his ladies.

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