What's Your Chickens names and Why are they named that?

My sister's theme is "old lady names." She currently has Mabel, Helen (a blind Easter Egger; she was born with cataracts, but my sister is a vet and taught her how to peck for food without being able to see it) and Splash (who her fiance named). She has had other great old lady names in the past, like Ethel and Henrietta. She is in Portland city limits, so she can only have 3 chickens.

I live out of city limits and I can have up to 50 chickens. That would be a few too many given the size of my lot, so we have 7. My theme is My Little Pony, probably because I have 2 little girls. I would've loved to do a Star Trek theme, but there aren't a ton of women in Star Trek first of all, and the kids were dying for something more suited to them. So we have:
Pinky Pie (Polish)
Spike (Polish; we thought she would be a rooster so we named her after a male character)
Rainbow Dash (EE with irridescent "rainbow" feathers, but she was named before we knew what she'd look like when fully feathered)
Twilight (EE)
Apple Jack (RIR)
Rarity (Delaware)
Fluttershy (Salmon Favorelle; and she WAS shy and fluttery when she was little)

We also have Princess Celestia, a Polish who we have just been able to identify as a rooster. He will be rehomed or eaten soon so he isn't included in the count of 7.
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Chickens named by the daughter:
Kuro, Kin'iro, Yuki, and Nitori (all Japanese; and she has a Budgerigar named Sakura
Chickens named by the son:
Dogberry, Fleance, Mordekaiser, Tux, and Miss Babsie (Shakespeare names as he's a literature aficionado. -one named for some video game character and one 'cause it looked like the Linux penguin. -kid's a computer freak, too. -and then there's the roo dubbed Miss Babsie courtesy of his "off" sense of humor
Chickens named by Mom:
Victoria, Isabel, and Gemma (.....because they are just normal)
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Old mama- handicapped silver laced
nugget-i think a golden sex link/whynodotte
wiggy- Americana
Oprah wingfree- Americana
blossom - blue Polish
Whynona- blue laced red whyndotte bantam
We started out with 6 beautiful Barred Rock girls & named them:
Girlfriend--every time she looks at my husband it's like she's batting her eyes at him, she grooms the hair on his legs and arms and just adores him
Twisted Sister--because she has a deformed right foot, the front middle & right toes point left. She gets around & scratches just fine though.
Prissy Pants--is the smallest, chicken and was always talking & telling on the others. If we were too loud or moved too fast, she'd tell us all about it.
The Pico de Gallo Twins, so named for their saucy dispositions. We thought they'd be the #1 & 2, but Girlfriend said "Uh NO!"
Pet Me Pico--who picks my pocket for treats if I don't disperse them fast enough
Don't Pet Me Pico--who originally wanted NO part of being touched!
and Madam Beandu--named after what my Great Aunt used to call them (beandu's) when we passed gas as kids. She was my fav & a real cuddly lap chicken from the beginning. I was her person.

When Madam Beandu passed away (*sigh*), two of the girls became more cuddly with us:
Don't Pet Me Pico decided that I needed a new lap chicken & filled right in, so we re-named her Cuddle Bug Pico.
Prissy Pants decided that she wanted to cuddle too, but Cuddle Bug Pico had a tendancy to peck her, so she decided that if she perched on my shoulder, she'd be safe & get lots of cuddles. She's my shoulder chicken to this day.

After Cuddle Bug Pico passed away this Spring (*sigh, sniffle*), we debated on expanding our flock back to 6.

We got 3 more Barred Rock "babies" and introduced them gradually into the flock.
Miss Peepers, the smallest one was always perching on our laps & peeping constantly--eyes open or closed.
She passed away less than 2 weeks after I brought her home, so she was sick & I couldn't fix her *sigh, worst feeling in the world*
Her sisters haven't been named yet, although I'm leaning toward:

Babushka--Polish for "head scarf" or "scarf", because she loves to perch on one shoulder, stretch her neck along the back of my neck & rest her head on my other shoulder, just below my ear...squeaking the whole time.

Sputnik--because no matter where she is in the coop or the fenced chicken yard, if she wants to get up on my shoulder, she WILL launch herself into the air & either jump on my back & walk up to my shoulder or jump up, latch onto my arm & fly//walk her way up to my shoulder.

Both of those babies can really fly!!
I love all the times and reasons for the names. It further proves only chicken people can understand that chickens are 'people' too!

I have:
Trip--last of Barred Rocks triplets
Blackey--Black sex link
Oozy--A Delaware--named by a friend called the same because of his 'big gun' arms---irony for his super skinny arms--but she is a good size girl
Brownie--A Buckeye
Bullet--mixed breed with Araucana and some Polish and other things--She is one of two we hatched and would tuck her head down and run like a bullet
Spot--also a mixed breed having more Araucana in her than not--beautiful white with black and grey spots
Stella--a Black Astraulaup
Puffy--a Wellington named by grandson
The Babies--a group of 6 red sex links only 3 months old--one is Caramel and another Scooter. There are 4 with no names yet--and they all still stay together.

This is our flock---but there is really only 12 birds---only allowed 12 by code......shhhhhhhhhhhh maybe they can't count the six that look alike because they still move fast--lol
I have two bantam cockerels called tweedledum and tweedledee and three hens called April, May and June. Also used to have an araucana named Ariadne by a friend :)
We have:

3 RIRs--one is named Dumbo because she has really fluffy ear feathers. The other two we can't tell apart so they're just "the Reds"
2 GLW-- Ruger and Glock
2 BR-- AK and 47
1 white cochin--Hedwig (because she perches on your forearm like Hedwig the owl)
1 partridge cochin-- Natalia Chicken
1 Jersey Giant-- Snookie
1 buff Chantecler-- Maple
1 Speckled Sussex-- Camilla
3 buff/Red Sex links-- they're just "The Buffs"
1 Red Sex Link-- Nippers
1 white Leghorn--Tandy 286. She's and Ideal 236 strain, but I got it confused with 286.
1--an extra Red/Buff Sex Link of sorts. I got to the end and realized I was short a hen!
Mine are outlaws :) I have Bonnie (barred rock) & Clyde (EE Roo), Cattle Annie & Little Britches (the Aracaunas), and Belle Starr (the buff orpington). And all they do is cause trouble with the neighbors, so I think they are appropriately named!! lol.
WeI have 3 White Leghorns that are called the Angels. We can't tell them apart and my granddaughter said that are like angels, white, soft and fluffy.

The 3 Red Sex Links Are Lacy for the lacy collar she has and Strawberry because the white feathers in the red looks like a strawberry roan and The Little Red Hen because is mostly red.

A black Rosecomb Bantam is called Pedro. He is s beautiful rooster and so cocky.

3 Black Australorps, a hne named Blackie, and 2 roosters Brewster and Aussie.

We have 3 Rouen ducks that still don't have names and a large Cornish the seems to be a rooster called Corny.

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