What's your favorite breed? And Why?

My has to be Red's (Rhode Island Reds).
They are one of the oldest breeds of chicken developed in America, with a history going back to the mid 1840s. The unique characteristics of the breed: Brick Shape, Rich Dark Red Color, Red Undercolor, Flavor. The ability to get them in Single Comb or Rose Comb, Large Fowl and Bantam. The Rhode Island Red is a breed that lays a good number of eggs per year, and one that will dress out nicely as a meat bird. They have been used to produce other breeds such as the New Hampshire, Production Red's, Sex-link's etc.
There is a lot of reasons I like this breed but those are just afue..

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I don't know -- there are a lot of breeds I haven't had yet, LOL!

Of the breeds that I HAVE had, though, my favorites so far are the Golden-laced Wyandottes. Just wish I could find a good breeder to get a rooster from, and upgrade my hatchery hens. I'm looking forward to getting Faverolles and probably Buckeyes this year, and maybe in another year if you asked this question again, I might pick one of them.

Out of the six strains I've kept, my favorite so far is the blue laced red wyandotte. They have everything I want in a chicken. They have enough meat on them to actually justify raising the cockerels to eat. They lay well. They are friendly. They are drop-dead gorgeous. They are extremely cold hardy, which I really appreciate in the tough upstate new york winters and they are excellent foragers. There is a lot to like about my other breeds, but this one has it all.

they are clever, beautifull, good egg layers, good personality's, and did i mention beautiful ?
Standard DarK Cornish! They are super calm, but amazing athletic for their size. They are so cute, itch them on the chest and they are your good buddy for life. Extremely easy to train and get ready to shows--harder to breed really good ones, but you have to have a few challenges to keep you interested!

I would have to say my Welsummers. Roo wants to hitch a ride on your shoulder while in coop and hen lays wonderful eggs -( color and size) They both feed gently from your hands. I do have some that come in close 2nd. I also have a few more breeds I want! So I to might choose another breed in a year or so.
I love Polish. Great personality, quiet, personable, friendly, comical, funny lookin bird, comes in two sizes, gr8 with kids. Mine Always is happy to see, and greet me, talks to me, and I get lots of remarks on my silly looking chicken. Haven't gotten eggs from her yet, but cant wait. I like this breed so much Im in the process of getting more.


My new chicks I hatched on 12/26
well EE's are my favorite but are you guys considering them a breed? if you are then thats my favorite breed they are just FULL of personality there is never a dull day in my EE pen and they are so beautiful!!!

but if you guys dont consider EE's a breed then my second favorite is bantam ameraucanas for theyre drop dead georgeous and im in love i have 5 and want more!


this is rudy my ameraucana rooster (missing beard b/c of his girlfriends


rudy's girlfriend shes missing her beard too because of rudy (





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