What's your favorite breed? And Why?


Favorite Bantam Breed:


My 2 favorite Boys!!!



and my favortite girl....


Favorite Standard breed:

Would be Speckled Sussex or Dark Cornish!
I love Buff Orpingtons. excellent egg size and a good amount of them too!! some light brown to medium brownish. good heavy hardy birds! can't go wrong w/ em'

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Faverolles by far I have owned lots of other breeds to but now I am just down to Bantam Salmon and Blue Salmon faverolles. They are docile, great winter layers, feed efficient, beautiful, and just all around wonderful birds.

Here is my cockeral

Blue salmon pullet


Salmon pullet
I always change my mind but at the moment it is pekins so tame and good looking
Seramas are my first favorite! I love their teeny-tiny size, sweet and mellow personalities, wide variety of colors, and I just think they're fantastic birds.
So cute.

My close second favorite is OEGBs, though--again, I like the small size and variety of colors, but I also just love their spunky, curious, and vivacious personalities. Also, I really like their shape and how they move. It's hard to describe exactly why!
d'anvers, phoenix, and houdans. I just love the look and dispositions of all of them, they're gorgeous in my eye!
click my website link, 280 pics of them on it
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I love my bantam Ameraucana's. They are sweet and smart, and very hardy in our cold weather. Plus the kids love the blue eggs !!
this is a pic of my daughter and her little rooster. He follows her every where. She brings him in the house and watchs TV with him, they have even taken naps on the couch together.

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