What's your flock's favorite treat?

Favorite Treats

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Gosh, in winter they love green anything. Bugs are nice but I try to grind them up into the pudding (mash) because I don't like fighting.

The real truth is that they are individuals... One likes wheat sprouts, one prefers barley... Some like the grains soaked, others need to see something sprouting from the grain (roots or shoots)

You know you are spoiling your chickens when you know their preferences as though they were your grandchildren...
I voted mealworms but honestly it's a tie with cracked corn AKA crack corn.
Mine love all of the above, & of course whatever I've got to give them (any veggies especially cabbage & corn on cob I hang for them), fresh grown chickweed, plus any live insects, including grubs when I'm gardening, (sometimes I even have to gently move them aside to see what I'm digging, several chickens will crowd me to try & be 1st to peck any grubs I may dig up) but they go Totally Bonkers over Crickets...mostly because crickets jump & get around so fast, so the chickens must be more active in their pursuit...it's quite entertaining & absolutely hilarious! 😂
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Mine love all of the above, including grubs when I'm gardening, (sometimes I even have to gently move them aside to see what I'm digging, several chickens will crowd me to try & be 1st to peck any grubs I may dig up) but they go bonkers over crickets...mostly because crickets jump & get around so fast, so the chickens must be more active in their pursuit...it's quite entertaining & absolutely hilarious! 😂
Gosh! Summer! Grubs! Yes, I vaguely recall sunshine and earth... Digging with a whole lot of supervisors. (It does slow things down... But it makes it so much more fun.)

Proof to the saying

"too many cooks spoil the broth"

is actually

"too many spoiled chooks hunting the same bug"

My duck would scream at me and my spouse to dig up the garden for her. (Why didn't God give her digging feet??? She loved earthworms!) And... We did! Lots of holes were dug in the garden to keep her happy.

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