When a rooster attacks a person


In the Brooder
8 Years
May 31, 2011
is it spurs that hurt? In other words, I'm wondering if there are no spurs on the rooster would he get you with his claws or beak, or not hurt at all.

Forgive me, I so new at this.
Spurs, beak, claws, wings beating on you. You don't want a rooster that attacks people, especially if you have children of your own, or ones that visit. They're right at eye level with that rooster.
It all hurts - spurs, feet, claws, wings. And it happens lightning fast. Even with trimmed spurs, a rooster can do major damage. I've had one break a blood vessel in my leg and I had a softball sized bruise for months. And they don't just hit low, I've been hit as high as waist level and I'm 5'8".
their wings sting like a b***h

if spurs are long enough, sure they'll hurt

sometimes you can give them attitude adjustments, but they'll stick attack someone else, even when behaving to you
I'm really starting to want to get rid of my 3 cocks just in case, you know. I don't even know if they'll be good rooster yet or not. I wish I just had hens. However, 3 have turned out to be boys and 2 of them are my daughters, who LOVES them. My husband thinks if we keep the spurs trimmed they can't do any damage if they turn mean. Sounds like they still can though.
I've seen some nasty puncture wounds from a HUGE RIR roo before. A friends entire leg was swollen and she couldn't walk for days because of that mean thing.
I had one of my roosters come at me. I gave him a boot. He tried it again and I sent his ass clear across the yard. Hasn't tried it again, yet.
How many hens do you have? You may have to get rid of one or two of the roosters anyway to keep the hens from being overbred and stressed. How old are they? How old is your daughter? You could keep them for awhile and see if any of them appear to be gentle. If your daughter is old enough to understand, tell her that she can keep one but if it gets mean it has to go. Fact of life with animals. We can't keep them all, especially if they become aggressive and can harm us.
I'm glad you asked those questions! We have two hens and what I *think* may be a roo, but am not really sure. Out of the three, he is by far the most curious and affectionate. He has NOT tried to do a show of dominance yet, but then again he is very very young. I'm keeping my eyes peeled for sure on certain behaviours. Last thing I want is Enoch the Roo coming after me or my daughter.
Our rooster is attacking only me. He pecks at my shoe generally, not a full blow attack - unless I touch one of his hens. Then the fight is on. He is also chasing our baby goats and generally is just being a bully. I've resorted to water torture. I bought a super soaker squirt gun. he comes at me or the goats and I squirt him right in the head. He HATES it. As long as I'm standing there holding it, he behaves, but as soon as my back is turned.... he goes at it again. I know, most people will suggest culling. But I have a big heart, and the hens love him. They outnumber me 5 to 1. I'm going to stick with the squirt gun and see if I can get him "re-trained". I've only been at this a few weeks, and I'm not ready to give up yet.

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