When a rooster attacks a person

tell your husband it is not just the spurs. they bite, scratch with their feet and hit hard with their wings. when hitting with their wings, it isn't a feathers-deployed slap, they have the feathers back slicing through the air like a karate chop.

my dad has a pair of BR roosters who are nasty and have attacked me. i was in scrub pants at the time, and had scratches and welts on my legs.

i'm not a little fella, and seeing what they could do to me, there is no way i would let my daughter around them without me. i'm 6' and he was hitting me halfway up my leg.

don't underestimate the damage a bird can do. they have all kinds of dirt and bacteria under their claws

that's not to say all roosters are mean. my sussex rooster is very pleasant. he's kind of a sissy, really. he's a year and a half, so he is what he is going to be. if he even thinks about flapping his feathers in the air when i'm walking by, all i have to do is make one step at him and he runs away. he protects his gals and comes running when he hears one making noise when i check the boxes, but he stays away from me.
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Why put up with an attack from a rooster when it can be avoided long term... cull the attacker and keep the nice ones. My Jersey Giant may be big but he is respectful of his place below the humans. I agree that if they take the attack stance you meet it with equal or better just to lay down or enforce the ground rules. If that does not work and you know you have trouble on your hands its really time to have that heart to heart with yourself and admit he needs to go instead of living with a loaded gun in the barnyard.
Children do not belong with any rooster unsupervised period. They make erratic movements that will trigger the rooster's defense of his flock attitude.

My boy only attacks me. He is fine with strangers, my kids, my DH - he has a weird problem with me. I think because his favorite girl preferred me. He's on his way out though, I'm growing out new boys.

My daughter is 7. My son is 20 months!!!! We have 4 female chickens and 3 males. All are 11 weeks. No one is aggressive yet. I just tend to worry (even though the Bible says not too!!!) I am very protective of my children. Therefore, I worry. I know, I'm sure I need a chill pill. It's just that I've recently read of sweet cocks suddenly reaching a certain age and turning mean. I would knock a chicken in the head for sure if it tried to hurt us. I just wish I knew if these 3 boys were going to stay gently. I know there just no way to tell, is there?
Someone replied that these 3 cocks will keep my 4 hens too busy. I agree. One of the cocks is mine, a black cochin bantam, who I think is pretty. I can try to give him away. That will leave us with 2 males, who belong to my daughter. She doesn't want to part with them AT ALL. They are both old english bantams. I told her if one turns mean - he has to go.
Me again!!!

Any one want the black cochin? We are in Arkansas!
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I have 3 roosters. One kept getting his hackles up at me and then my wife. I kicked the feed out of him a few times. One time I thought he was dead. (I really hoped he wasn't because i didn't feel like cleaning a bird that night.) He survived only to attack one last time and I kicked him hard again acroos the run. The other roosters said enough is enough and delegated the attack bird to the bottom of the rooster totem pole. He now gets pecked on and picked on by all the other chickens, and hasn't attack a human now in a couple of months. He's getting so beat up by the other roos and the hens I'm thinking about taking him out cause he looks terrible.
Listen.....listen to what people are saying.

Chickens are animals. They behave the way they do because it is bred in them. A roosters JOB is to protect, procreate and show the hens food. They will protect thier hens from you as well as anything else they consider a threat.

My Sweet Harry, a LF Cochin.....huge, gentle giant. I could go in the run after he got his two girls....he just made sure he stayed between me and the hens. Still sweet. One hen was killled by a racoon and I moved Harry and his remaing girl to the chicken tractor until I was able to put Harry and his girl in with the four BR girls. Harry was quite pleased......and quite protective. I do not go into that run and into the coop to gather eggs without something in front of me. I have a piece of tin that proceeds me into that run and block the door with it while I gather eggs.

And this is the sweetest of all roosters....he got cocky when he was given more girls....or maybe it was after the attack that he is more protective. Regardless, he is protecting his girls and that is his job.

If your chicks are 11 weeks you still need to make sure you are right there with the kids when they are interacting with the chickens and there will be apoint when they won't need to be around them at all.

Read on here....do searches about mean roosters. There are many people with a great deal of wisdom who can explain it all to you. I know, they have helped me greatly. And so you know, Rooster and dumplings are great. I too raised them from babies....but they are animals and really not pets like we think of pets.

But there is nothing like sitting and watching the chickens peck....and nothing like the first egg.
The cochin should be your sweetest. What are your other two roo's? And him being small helps also. And....you don't have to have a rooster....things will be much calmer without one.
Oh brother all this is starting to worry me. I know that one of my youngsters is a roo, taken the poor thing back twice to the feed store to see what they say ,only to have the part time employ there both time
tell me no it's a pullet...and then to add insult to injury, to tell me that it's not an EE but a brahma ??? how in the world can a green legged puffy cheeked little guy be a Brahma
anyway wanted to re-home HIM as he actually went after my Brahma that is twice HIS size, but I am attached to HIM. and after me carting him around town twice wants nothing to do with me LOL

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