When a rooster attacks a person

Our rooster drams into my husbands legs once in awhile. If my husband faces him and says, "NO!" then the roo reconsiders.
Here's a slo-mo video of it:

Luckily we do not have kids. I'd never let kids in the run, I wouldn't risk the roo ramming them. He has never rammed me. I think he has a weird crush on my.
Coyote Magic,

That was so funny! Made me laugh. It's worth a shot! I am certainly capable of running around acting crazy.

So funny!
I liked your video Hudson House Chicks.

Thanks to everyone for the great suggestion.

Much appreciated.
Roosters, once they get the testosterone going, get aggressive and fight for dominance. This means they attack rivals, lead their flock to food, mate with the hens. If they see you as a rival, they will attack.

My Handling Rooster Aggression page has a set of tips for dealing with such roosters. The idea is to intimidate the rooster so he is Beta bird when you are around and Alpha Rooster when he is just with the chickens. Once he knows his place, it is a lot easier to deal with him. BUT, every human getting around the rooster must know and practice the intimidation techniques. If they do not, they become a target.
Chicken Lytle, I read that article. It is very good.

However, one of the signs that a rooster is about to attack is crowing at you. The 2 cocks are crowing all the time. I wouldn't know if they were crowing AT me or just crowing. As far as flap their wings, they do that too, but so do the girls. They seem to always be stretching their wings it seems, whether I'm in their or not. It would be great if you made a video for beginners like me to watch. Visuals do help I believe.
I have this wand thingie that I had from when I was working in Day Care. It's got streamers and glittery things. My one rooster went after everything, cats, dog, and even my 6ft 4 DH. I sent the crazy man out there with the wand, the rooster never chased a thing again.

There are folks that are going to think I'm horrible, but my birds free-range a lot. I've got just about any wild critter you can think of (except weasels, I've never seen a weasel around here) so I want them to be wary of anything that moves. So far I have only lost 3 birds in 4 years. Those were to a dog that a neighbor had abandoned to fend for itself because he was too busy dealing with marital issues to deal with his pet issues. I don't blame the dog really, she was trying to feed herself and pups.

Roosters don't mess with crazy people!!
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Coyote Magic -

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