Where is your SO at this moment?

Mine is in Ohio tonight, and tomorrow night it will be Connecticut. He's only home 5 days every 4 weeks.

I miss him tons, but thank goodness for free family plans on the cell phone.
Mine is at work...at his second job. After that he will go home to his apartment. I see mine twice a year....a week each time. *SIGH* I miss him. Soon......very soon, my family will be complete again and he can be just as obnoxious as he wants (for awhile) and I won't complain a bit (where he can hear).
Wow! I couldnt do that. When I met my fiance, we spent two days dating then I havent left since. We need to be near each other. He's my comfort and best friend.

Well, all I can say is, if you love him, yes you could. I don't WANT to. My husband doesn't want to. We talk every night for a LONG time. Text constantly, send pics over the phones. He is my best friend, my true love, truly is the other half of me. So yeah, we do it because it beats the alternative which would be divorce I suppose.
Yep, you do a lot for the ones you love. I get to see my SO, every four to six months if I am lucky.
I will consider myself very lucky indeed. And I do love him, and you are right, if I had to I would. It hurts me to think about being away from him though. When our son was in the hospital he stayed at night and I hated it. But it was one or the other. Sucked!

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