Where is your SO at this moment?

In bed. He spent all day building a fourth chicken tractor and framing out a fifth so he's beat. He'll finish them up tomorrow. Good man. Very good man.
Today is the only day I turn over the remote to him.

We made a deal years ago. I would let him watch all the college football he wants on Saturday, but he has to help me with yardwork and not complain on Sundays!

Can't complain too much. He doesn't watch any of the Pro stuff (football, baseball or basketball) just college. During the other seasons he will watch on a little portable in the spareroom.

It pays the bills and right now there is nothing for sure around here to work at and make the kind of money he makes. I am able to be a stay at home mom right now. He has been offshore since before he met me. But I feel in love with him, and I believed he was a answered prayer! He is a christian and he treats me so special! AWW! I got to quite, making me so sad and teary eyed!

Oh Wendy. I so totally understand. Once you find a beliver that treats you right do not let go!!!! My fiance and I have been attacked like you wouldn't believe since we met and formed a family. The best news is that we all stick together, recognize the enemy and move forward. Stay strong!
I think recognizing what is going on is more than half the battle. It is easy for us to stay strong right now, knowing that that one thing that he is won't win. Ever. And as long as we do stay strong in the Lord, all is good.
I hear you! DH had to take a job 1500 miles away for over two years otherwise we would have gone bankrupt. We were also apart for the first ten months of our marriage because he was going to school in a different state when we were married. Hang in there. Let's face it. When you know he's the one, you know. We will celebrate our 13th anniversary in January.

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