Which breed is your friendliest chick in your flock?

my silkies were skittish at first, and just sorta devoid of personalit. They are now over 6wks old and we like them a LOT more now. They love to snuggle, & have become very friendly.

our friendlist (so far at 6wks), is our LF Cochin Chili & our Barred Rock Ruby.

quickly in the running is one of our Cuckoo Marans, our silkies, & our Bantam Cochin Rooster.

honestly, just about all our chicks are friendly....except our EE's.
By far it's Barred Rocks, but Australorps are pretty friendly too. My Buff Brahma pullets seem to like me a lot right now. My friendliest bird is an Australorp/EE mix, but that's because she imprinted on me.
I have four 3-4 week old chicks....RIR, BO, EE, and BA. They are all friendly, but the BA is definitely the friendliest. He is our "guaranteed pullet" roo....if you know what I mean
He is my avatar pic...isn't he a cutie
He was on my shoulder today when I was cleaning out the coop...I thought when we moved them into the coop that he would no longer want to roost on me, but I was wrong
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Well, they're all friendly when "the hand" arrives with treats! But, the friendliest right out of the gate was the Dominique. There are two EEs that are coming around quickly with a bit of handling.
My Dominique and BA are the two friendliest followed by my EE girls, BO girls, and least freindliest is my Australorp.
The Dominique wont leave me alone!

Sorry - the second one should be Barred Rock!
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I put my three oldest(Brahma, EE, RIR) in the coop today for the first time all day. When they were all tired and ready for a nap they all jumped in my lap and fell asleep.lol. I was not expecting that.
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Of our 3 hens in the coop, one of the RIR's is the friendliest, the other RIR is shy, and the GLW loves to snuggle if you can catch her to pick her up.

We have 7 chicks brooding. At 4 weeks, our Delaware is the friendliest, followed by our BO and then the SS. They will step into your hand so you can take them out. Our 3 week old BJG likes to jump onto the sides of the brooder, but is a little skittish. and our 3 week old SLW was a runt and she is a little skittish as well. We also have a 2week old Welsummer and 10 day old BB, but I think they bonded with the older chicks as opposed to us, so they are very skittish.
My buff orpingtons are all a bunch of pets! When you call them they come running looking for a treat. They will also eat out of my 2 yr olds hand. We really love them!

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