Which breed is your friendliest chick in your flock?


8 Years
Mar 28, 2011
Mine is my Golden Laced Wyandotte.
Annabelle crawls up our arm as soon as we open the door. She is 3 weeks and loves to be held. I put her in my lap and she lays with her neck stretched or leg and wing stretched. She is so comfortable with us.
I think it depends on the chick. I have one barred rock that always climbs my arm. Then there's my EE that is content to sit with m all evening. I got a chick from the featured breed...RIR I think and the whole way home(I had the box top open) she would jump out of her box and hop over to my lap. Id put her back so I could turn around to help the baby in his carseat and she flapped out and climbed the seat and sat perfectly content on my shoulder. It was adorable
I have 2 that are very friendly. 1 is a bantam salmon faverolle pullet and the other is a sultan, we think a pullet, not sure yet.
My turkey poults. Figures to... they're the ones I plan to eat, the rest are being raised as layers.
They're always wanting to be held and cuddle. They will even escape the brooder and go looking around the house to find me. It's not uncommon to be working on the computer and suddenly have a turkey in my lap.
The chicks couldn't care less about me, any of them. However, of my chickens, my Dominique roosters love to follow me around the yard, and will come running when they see me. I don't really hold my chickens, but if I did, these boys would be first in line.
I only have Delawares and RIR's at the moment. The Delawares will come to me more readily and are quicker to catch on when I have tried to teach them to come for treats when I call them a certain way.
I have 3 for the most part. The two most attention craved are twin Old English bantam roosters I raised from babies.They compete for attention sometimes..lol..but not by fighting...by seeing who can get to mama's shoulder first.They'll fly up from behind and get on my shoulder (or my head)and snuggle up to my neck. They are always running around behind my where ever i go. My newest 'baby' is a Lavender Orp pullet that like to just sit on my foot.I really have to watch her,because I've tripped on her many times.She just 'appears' on my foot.loves attention and all.
My EE Lily and my dark brahma Sophie are by far the friendliest...both 8 1/2 weeks old. Lily runs and jumps over every one to get to my hand so I can pick her up, then Sophie sees this and wants to be held too! Almost all of my BOs love to be held. My GLWs and SLWs are the most unfriendly. My GLWs are actually kind of mean-spirited...both to the other birds as well as to me. ha ha. Hope I can soften them up a bit as time goes on. It's funny how they all have such different personalities and breed really doesn't seem to matter. I have read here many times about how friendly and loving barred rocks are, but I have 4 and they just couldn't care less about me really, but my RIR hens run up to me wanting to be held. And your GLW loves you, but mine hate me. LOL!! Chickies...go figure!! I still love them all!

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