Which breed is your friendliest chick in your flock?

Our flock of Spangled Russian Orloffs. They were pen raised, never meant to be pets, but I can't walk for the darn things being underfoot.

And acording to all the books and such I've read on them, they are supossed to be a bit on the wild side..... guess they never read the book.
My swedish flower hen. one of them runs when I open the cage and leans when I pet "him"(bet money this one is a boy
Rockin' Reds :

My EE Lily and my dark brahma Sophie are by far the friendliest...both 8 1/2 weeks old. Lily runs and jumps over every one to get to my hand so I can pick her up, then Sophie sees this and wants to be held too! Almost all of my BOs love to be held. My GLWs and SLWs are the most unfriendly. My GLWs are actually kind of mean-spirited...both to the other birds as well as to me. ha ha. Hope I can soften them up a bit as time goes on. It's funny how they all have such different personalities and breed really doesn't seem to matter. I have read here many times about how friendly and loving barred rocks are, but I have 4 and they just couldn't care less about me really, but my RIR hens run up to me wanting to be held. And your GLW loves you, but mine hate me. LOL!! Chickies...go figure!! I still love them all!

My RIR runs from me. She hates to be held and is a bit flighty. My RIR is the top hen of the flock. At first she would jump and walk on top of everyone else. She is our most mean spirited one so far.​
I have a 2-way tie. Frack, my dark Brahma hen, is always following me everywhere. Glory, my dark Brahma roo, is in my lap if I sit down anywhere outside. I have other colors of Brahmas, Black Copper Marans, Jersey Giants, and a few other breeds, but these two are by far the friendliest.
I have three,a Red-Star pullet,a Black Minorca roo,and of all things a White Leghorn pullet all of them jostle for position on my arm.
3 of my RIRs are that way. They love to sleep in my hand and roost on my arm or shoulder. But, all I have in chicks are RIRs. My Mallard ducklings would give a close run to who's the friendliest. ha ha.

So far I am very happy with the RIRs and will look to getting some White Rocks for change in the back yard scene and also for there many uses too.

Gotta love them chicks !
I have RIR, BSL, and cuckoo maran hens. The RIR is my friendliest! I have some pullets and they are Americanas and BO. Of them the One of my americanas is very friendly and the other not so much! Soooooo I am not so sure that it is the breed, but more the personality of the chicken! When my RIR was a chick when I picked her up she would chirp loudly and cause a fuss! and my cuckoo maran would be more quiet. As hens the cuckoo is more stand-offish. I think you just kinda take what you get
We have 9 plymoth rocks, 8 new hampshire reds,1 buff orpington,and 3 unknowns.
I'd say that out of our flock the Plymoth Rocks are the friendliest.
They are also my favorite breed besides RIR's, but I don't have them right now.
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