Which breed is your friendliest chick in your flock?

For years it has been my Mille Fleur D'Uccle, Jukie. But this year she has some competition. My first Icelandic hatch turned out about 4 that just love to cuddle. Then 2nd batch was smaller so there is only 2 cuddlers.

We also have a 2 week old blue slate turkey that is happiest when being held.
I have a Barred Rock, Sweet Pea, who will do anything to get out of the brooder to be held. Also have 2 Favorelles that r really friendly and even the light Brahma's like to be held!
i have 3 rir and 3 colombian rock chicks all 1 week old . the friendliest are two of the rirs
one named "nugget" jumps out the door into my hand , the other "spot" follows soon after
nugget farts evertime shes in my hand . my daughter said thats why shes your chicken
is that normal for chicks to fart ?
My friendliest is a mixed breed silver-laced wyandotte and something else. Not sure which roo is the daddy..She is so gentle and sweet and talks back to me when I talk to her. I guess that means she listens to me..
Hands down, my Delawares. While every other breed of chick runs screaming the other way , my Dels come right up and want some lovins!

As far as adult birds, its a tossup between Dels and Speckled Sussex... the Speckled stalk us around the pasture on daily rounds and are always underfoot, but when the Dels want attention, they're all up in my space too
In my flock I'd have to say its a tie btwn my buff orps & my gold laced wyandottes, if I sit in the yard on the swing, they will come & jump up into my lap for a nice scritch on the neck, my EE's & Aussie will just wander off to the bushes & could care less about getting a scritch.

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