Which breed is your friendliest chick in your flock?

My most friendly hen is an blue ameraucana lady who is two years old and has NEVER laid a single egg!

Her name is Blueberry, and she has even slept on my shoulder before. She loves to accompany me when I go out to work the garden...

My two year old buff orpington hen is also a gentle giant....
My Cornish Rocks..lol They love me (for my food)... Next would be my RSL girls!!!

My most evil is my light braham!!!
I'd have to say mt friendliest chick is my GL polish pullet.

mine is my little 3 week old girl that i have no idea what she is! lol. got a bunch of eggs from a backyard breeder... this one was too big for her egg and had a messed up beak so she couldn't get out, i had to free her after hours and hours of her pecking the same hole. She opened her eyes for the first time while lying on my chest, so i'm momma! as soon as i'm in the room she wants to be with me NOW. i wasn't planning on keeping any of these ones... now she's named and has her own rabit hutch converted into a chicken coop in the backyard for when she's older, and a little silkie chick as a friend to stay with
We have six chicks, 3 RIRs and 3 Barred Rocks, they're a week old. One of the Rocks (Alice) hops on my hand when I put it in the brooder. She likes to sit with me or my wife. She (they all) love oats as a treat. She will sit on us and go to sleep. Tonight she was nestling in my wife's long hair. The other two rocks will sit with us too. The RIRs are a little more aloof. they're not as cuddly as the rocks but we're working on them. they are still awfully young.

fun thread!!

i currently have: EE's, Silkies, RIRs, Bantam Cochins, and a Leghorn chicks

My sweetest ones are definitely my EE's.... although my hubby says it is because I spend the most time holding them

on that note... we got the Silkies because they are supposedly so docile and good for kids, but our 11 Silkie chicks are the most skittish! Any ideas on that?
My Red Sex Links are sweet, they stay close and love to be petted (even when it's not laying time LOL) we can easily pick them up and carry them around.

My frizzled Cochin cockerel, Rizz, is super sweet and loves to clamber up to my shoulder and sit there as I walk around.

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