Which breeds did you wish you got?

I am mostly happy with all the breeds in our mixed flock: Speckled Sussex, Barred Plymouth Rock, Red Sex Link, Rhode Island Red, Easter Egger...the Black Australorps, eh, not so much (ours are not the sweet friendly birds I keep hearing about). I'll always want the SS and the RSL in my flock, they're great, both for eggs and personalities.

I do, ahem, just happen to have my wish list handy for future additions: Blue Andalusian, Olive Egger, Cream Legbar, Barnevelder, Welsummer, Black Copper Maran, and Brown Leghorn.

The wish list is written in pencil though so I am keeping my options open!
Marans, I would love to have a nice Maran roo and a couple of pullets. Nice eggs color, nice looking birds, and they would be good for some projects I have in mind.
Pure Bred Ameracucanas would be absolutely beautiful too <3
I have Silkies, Mille Fleur D'Uccles, BCMs, a GL Wyandotte, a Black Sex-Link, and an EE. If I had the room, I would get more EEs. Mine is very sweet and I love the egg colors. I would also get Salmon Faverolles because I love the roos so much. Can't have a roo in my area though, so he stays on my wish list for now!
What I've had thus far over the years or have in my flock now:
RIR, RSL/GSL, BSL, Brown Leghorn, Barred Rock, White Leghorn, Delaware, New Hampshire, Buff Orpington, Wyandotte, Rhodebar, Buckeye, Black Copper Marans, Welsummer, Easter Egger, Silkie, Bantam Cochin, game mixes

What I'm growing out now (almost to point of lay):
California Grey, Olive Egger (Isbar/Marans)

What I've got in brooding (chicks):
GSL, Barnevelder, Isbar

What I want yet:
Australorps, so I can say I've tried them
Black Langshan
Cream Crested Legbar
Penedesenca (if I can ever learn how to spell them)
true Ameraucana (not EE's)

What am I looking for?
Half the flock in the perfect all around bird that lays well with the unwanted rooster(s) coming to table nicely before crowing too much (neighbors)...Rhodebars actually did well for that overall and add the ease of autosexing. However, eggs still are medium to large their first laying year, which is smaller than I hoped, but they lay well.

Buckeyes were much better size, roo's coming to table nicely before they really got noisy, but the hens are only okay layers, and no auto-sexing, but the hens will make nice stewers upon retirement as they are big girls.

Then half the flock in specialty color egg types...the dark browns, greens, blues, olives, and yes, even purple if I can get there.

What breeds would I get again?
RSL/GSL (great layers, I try to keep half my flock in them until I find the "perfect" go to breed as they lay well with rich color)
BSL, nice steady layer and all that I've had have been sweet
Silkie, best brooders

Rhodebars, would like to see if I can get improved birds that lay really well with larger egg size and still with nice rooster size and good autosexing...had to eat my one rooster as he was unfortunately wheaten and not good for breeding autosexing

Buckeyes if I can bump laying as meal size is excellent, but hard to find in my area and slower than meat birds for the grain you pump in them if they don't lay well

What breeds were disappointments?
Wyandottes, Delawares, Buff Orpingtons...ate way more than they produced, espeically the Buff Orps
Welsummers, good layers of nice darker eggs, but noisy, flighty, and broody (at least what I got), but may try again with another line
Barred Rocks, decent layers but chickens get too nosy...just have their beak in everything including my pant legs, annoying
Easter Eggers...egg quality was always poorer (on same feed/grit/care as everyone else)

What breeds would not get again
RIR...noisy, aggressive...seriously...gave them to my daughter and they are known as the loudest chickens in the county...and that's in farmland folks

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On my wish list I have Buckeyes (because of course they're an Ohio breed), some Lavender Orpingtons, and some Olive Eggers. And anything else interesting that isn't inclined to go broody much.
I have 17 four-week old Icelandic chickens. Can anyone tell me how soon one can determine the sex of these chickens. There is no sex link to coloration. How can I determine which ones are roosters?
I'm happy with all of my chickens; I have Old English Game Bantams, Ameraucanas/EEs (not really sure.) and a SLW.
I personally prefer EEs over purebred Ameraucanas; you get a much nicer variety and some gorgeous birds!

Right now, the breeds on my wishlist are Mille Fleur D'uccles, Silver sebrights, and silkies.

I am a huuuge sucker for those rare and beautiful breeds. I don't think I'd ever see a leghorn or RIR in my backyard
i have a new hampshire red, dark cornish, silver and golden laced wyandottes, sumatra's, black bantam cochin, salmon faverolle, and a silver spangled hamburg, for ducks i have 2 crested and 3 call

i have always wanted porcelain belgian bearded d'uccle, welsummers, and black japanese bantams...
As of right now i currently have 2 Speckled Sussex hens, very sweet girls. Then i have 2 Light Brahma hens, nice but not sure if i would get more, just to hot, 1 LF Silver Laced Cochin hen she is very sweet also but hot for her too i do give them all some cool ice water,and have fans on them. Any way i also have some Seramas, love this breed personality plus. I have six, Roo, hen and 4- 12 week old chicks . My roo keeps trying to give me a new breed he really likes the Brahma girls, poor little guy he trys so hard. Maybe one day he will give me the Serbrahma!.. :=).

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