which breeds for children advice needed


10 Years
Nov 7, 2009
i have 2 partridge bantams which are really gentle, & will let you hold them they are 10 months now, i had a rooster which became very nasty & started attacking us so he had to go which was very sad but i have grandchildren so i wasn't left with a choice, we tried a couple of weeks of rehabilitation as people suggested but didn't work he just got worse, he would just attack you more persistantly, i must admit i miss him a bit, but i can now have the hens in the garden without my grandchildren being afraid, so we have built a bigger run & would like maybe 3 more hens any ideas? anyone thinking of getting partride bantams should be aware they get really broody, 1 of my hens brooded for 3 weeks she was out of brood for 4 weeks and shes been broody for 2 weeks now, the other hen she's also been broody but she is just going into her 2nd brood, so no eggs for us, LOL
Cochins or brahma's are very gentle. I have a large fowl light brahma and she is really friendly and docile. Both cochins and brahmas come in bantam and large fowl.
I have an 11 yo sister and a 3 yo cousin and I have bantam cochins, seramas, and bantam ameraucanas and I've not seen one that has shown any aggression. They have a look though like "really again? we just did this an hour ago!". They are nice breeds and are all really small and easily handled. I would also suggest silkies, and maybe d'uccles
I only have Buffs, Austrolorps and Silkies.

I will say that the silkies have been very good for the kids around here because of their small size. The larger chickens intimidate the kids. The smaller "fuzzy" chickens are the ones they all run to and want to pet. Even my little 3 year old niece (and she's a big chicken!!!).
cochins are as gentle as can be I have LF cochins and my grandkids can handle them just fine. here is my 8 year old granddaughter with one of mine My gentle Dutch Silkies are very gentle as well

Personally I think my games are calm enough for children- even small ones. But they require much more attention really in the large fowls, and for small children sometimes my Shamo (though is the gentlest bird ever towards people) scares them due to pure size (he's twelve months and pretty much looks my 3 and a half year old cousin in the eyes), but she can carry him around and do pretty much anything she wants with him. She really prefers my OEGB's though, very small birds, easily handled and pretty to-boot. I am thinking I need better locks now since she's always trying to play with the "Baby" chickens now

PS: There are good in bad in every breed, though some are more prone to being aggressive than others. Do research, decide how much you want them- if they're aggressive eat them. Probably not into breeding but I look at it like this, (and this can be for other things too instead of breeding) you may have a bird you like a lot- he could be excellent in quality. But I see no point in keeping/feeding him if he's going to keep attacking you when there are other birds you can be around without having to watch your back that are just as good, if not better.

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