Which cock for my purple hens?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Nov 10, 2012
I have 3 mature purple hens (one purple bs). I've been looking for a while for a mature purple peacock, but couldn't find anyone willing to part with one. I did finally buy a handsome Purple BS male yearling, so I'm ready for the future. I want to put another male in their enclosure for the season. Can anyone give me an idea of which of my available boys would make the most desirable chicks with my purple ladies? I have IB, IB Pied, Silver Pied and White. Can you tell me what the outcome might be with each of those options? Thanks for your help :)
An IB split purple would be interesting ... ! But people don't know what they breed!
Me, I would say the IB and the White ... it is those who will do less damage!Because there is talk of damage!Producing splits of EVERYTHING without control ... it's the damage.

IB Pied or IB Silverpied .The way is long before you get something interesting!

Your first idea is excellent ... I love purple peacocks .... I have 3 purple females .... I'm looking for a purple peacock. Healthy Behavior!
I have 3 mature purple hens (one purple bs). I've been looking for a while for a mature purple peacock, but couldn't find anyone willing to part with one. I did finally buy a handsome Purple BS male yearling, so I'm ready for the future. I want to put another male in their enclosure for the season. Can anyone give me an idea of which of my available boys would make the most desirable chicks with my purple ladies? I have IB, IB Pied, Silver Pied and White. Can you tell me what the outcome might be with each of those options? Thanks for your help :)

I have a three year old Purple cock that will be for sale in September.

Knowing what splits your PBS cock may have would make the choice much easier. Otherwise you may as well use the IB.

If you PBS cock carries a white gene you might want to make a different choice than the IB.
Thank you for the suggestions. I am really fond of my Purple BS male, he will be worth the wait!! He's a very friendly pea. I looked high and low for a mature male, just not one to be found for this time of the year.

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