Which to get - Barred Rocks or Easter Eggers?


10 Years
May 20, 2009
Myakka City, Florida
I'm ordering just one breed and a fairly large quantity tomorrow. I can't decide which I want. I love that the Barred Rocks are a "heritage" variety. I also think my kids would get a kick out of what color eggs they could find from the EE's. So, which lay more? Which are hardier in warm (hot) weather (I live in FL)? Which are more gentle? Less broody? Overall, which do you prefer?
Barred rocks-absolutely. I love mine!
I have both breeds and I get just as many eggs from my EE's as I do my BR's. I love the different colors of the EE's alot and the colorful eggs. They are my 1st choice for chickens. But both are great layers and friendly too.
I have both BR and EE. I LOVE my BR's but my EE aren't and never have been friendly. Neither are old enough to lay yet so I can't help you there. But my BR's will come up and sit on me and eat out of my hand, the EE's on the otherhand are very skittish and will stand as far away from us as they can get and won't eat out of our hands period. Not even if its the only thing offered.
My favorites are the Barred Rocks, BBS Ameraucanas and Delawares. The BR breed is not generally broody, though there are exceptions, especially several generations away from the hatchery stock. To me, the BR is the best all-round breed as far as personality, egg laying consistency (and big eggs), and intelligence. If you want broody, some Ameraucanas and/or EEs do go broody.
ours wont brood, and very friendly as well barred rocks, have you considered speckled sussex, there very nice all around birds as well
I'd go for Barred Rocks myself, but why not both? Almost all hatcheries will let you have a variety. I love a mixed carton of eggs to sell. My friends prefer to buy brown eggs, and a blue or green one thrown in makes an interesting dozen. Then...........add a few marans for dark eggs...............oh, I'll stop now. You'll end up with 25 different birds. HenZ

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