White Easter Egger?

Wow Angel is gorgeous! I know this is an old thread, but I am glad I found it as I was confused with our girl. Sold to us as an Ameracauna of course, Delilah is a pretty white Easter Egger!
I have a white (I suspect will be splash) EE about 4 weeks old. She has yellow legs and looks like she might be rumpless/no tail. I hatched her with a couple of others which are blue & partridge. They have tail feathers.
I am getting a few more EE's this spring. I am really hoping that one will be white. I may end up driving around to each of the feed stores checking out their EE's in hopes of finding a white one. (We have lots of feed stores in the area and each gets multiple shipments.)
I have 2 solid white EEs with green legs. One from Ideal, one from McMurray. They made a very pretty cross with my barred blue EE roo. Their chicks are white with blue barred 'accents'.

Currently I have 15 EE chicks from Ideal about 7 weeks old, looks like 2 of those will feather out fully white.
I have two 4 week old EE's that were pale yellow and are now white...mine looked just like this photo. One is Sweet Cheeks...she is such a sweetie pie...loves to be held...comes when I open the door to their hutch. She 'talks' to me in lil low chirps.

I'm hoping maybe one will end up being a Splash.
i have a one month old white EE girl who started out pale yellow and her legs were orange/yellow. i knew she was a EE cuz i ordered 5 EE from MPC and i had 4 chipmunk chicks and the one pale yellow EE....she also had the muffs around her face. now her legs are finally turning green and she's a sweetheart!
We ordered 25 babies last year from McMurray. We shared an order with my husband's boss. He only want like 5 so we got the extra. He picked out different breeds than we did and when they came in he just took what he thought was his. Well we had ordered 4 EE and we didn't know what they looked like so we had no clue that he had taken 3 of my EEs. Well fortunately we had a little yellow one that had the beard and the little chipmunk cheeks. Well Lucy is white and she is kinda a splash because she has gold on her neck front and back. She lays beautiful greeen and blue eggs. (started green now i beleive blue) I did buy 4 more EE's from our local livestock supply. I have a gold, black and 2 brownish ones. Ilove them and it feels like Easter when I get the eggs each day. I love the blue/green eggs.
I have a 7-week-old bantam solid white EE with green legs I picked up at TSC. Very pretty. Same day also got a bantam EE roo who is turning out lavender and red! Can't wait to see what color eggs my girl will lay!

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