White Leghorn x Buckeye cross


5 Years
Jul 24, 2014
I have F1 pullets, 5 months old. I am very impressed with the egg size, shape and especially the beautiful light creamy color. They are laying every day. They are mostly white, with a buckeye pea comb and some reddish flecking on their long buckeye necks :) They have a nice leghorn tail. Personality wise, they are very playful birds, sometimes pick on the less fortunate (they are the "mean girls" of the flock compare to my other breeds) but they are more curious than leghorns.

Does anyone else have experience with this cross?
Here is a pic:

They also are impervious to the weather - they are the only chickens here who run outside in the cold temps, snow, etc and do not seem to care. They are good foragers too, eating little feed :)
I like the looks and (said) performance of these birds a lot. You were right-on with your description of "mean girls of the flock". I had 2 barred Rock/Leghorn crosses and I really liked them. But about a month, or less, of POL they started to become abusive to the milder mannered birds. Sort of wish I had hung onto them to see if they outgrew it.
Ha! I should have taken a picture of them yesterday - we have had about three days of rain and they were soaked, covered in mud and pitiful. But they still keep trying to get out in it. It is about 35 today and very windy and they are out there playing in the mud.

They really are not mean, except one - she is the smallest of them and picks on the younger pullets. BTW, when everyone else was sick, these three never got any of it. Definitely recommend any buckeye cross.

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