Who else is waiting for that first egg?

Today I remembered that 2 years ago I measured the distance between pelvic bones on the pullets to see if they were ready to lay.  It ended up being very accurate.  Today I checked my silver laced wyandottes.  Her face and comb turned red a couple weeks ago.  Sadly her bones are still together with no space to pass an egg so I will have to be patient.  The New Hampshire Red on the other hand just started to get that rosy glow and her bones were 1 1/2 finger widths apart.  She'll probably start laying in 1 1/2 to 2 weeks if I remember right from 2 years ago.  The girls are presently 17 1/2 weeks old.  It's nice to know that some eggs will be coming soon. 

When I first read this, I was really thinking that my hens would not tolerate this procedure, but when I went out there this morning. I gently scooped up one of my RIRs and she was very accommodating. My problem is that I don't know what I'm looking for. I mean, I know where my pelvis bones are... But on a hen... Not so much. Mine are only 14 weeks today so I know they aren't going to lay for awhile.. They have just this WK gotten some good comb growth. But I thought I would find what I was looking for so to speak so that in the coming weeks, I could estimate who would lay soon. Our enclosure is in the far back yard so I have to take time to go and sit with them and observe their behavior. I would love to know approximately when to spend more time hanging out with them to check for laying behavior.
went back to check and found an egg! Above and to the left of the golf balls :)
congrats to everyone on your eggs! Our white leghorn (about 20ish weeks) laid her first egg two days ago and another one today. Still no more little brown eggs though... can't wait to start getting eggs consistently!
Once my first started laying, we've only missed one day so far. And that week she had a double yolk egg. Now my second is laying, for the last 3 days consistently. Still waiting on the other 7!
Oh I'm so Eggcited!!! I was reading some of yalls post and decided to run out and check my girls pelvic bones. One is about two and a half fingers apart and she squatted to the ground when I went to pick her up. I couldn't catch the other one cause a storm is coming and she gets wacky when it storms. Will have to check her in the morning. Two and a half is almost laying space right?

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