Who has bad neighbors?

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I have a bad nieghbor and they are just renting! They have broken into my house cleared me out, they have stolen our property,keyed our van, broke our out door lights, they now have 15 yappy smelly dogs and they deal/use drugs not to mention the guy is in and out of jail . Thier kids are out of control, one day they were throwing rocks at my van and my kids so my husband told them to stop, so the mom decided she can yell at my dh, the kids love to throw stones so they would come into our yard and throw stones at our nieghbors classic truck! I absolutely hate them! My back nieghbor is a grumpy a$$ he would yell swear words at my dogs, telling me to muzzle them( i only have one now and she doesn't bark) my son was climbing the back fence to talk to some kids on a courner of our yard and he yelled so loud and swore at my 6 year old, he then yelled that I should be out side with them, it's a fenced in back yard and I was checking up on them constantly. The guy blairs his music so loud in the warm month and I really don't like his choice of songs.
Yes, that's a must, especially if you are buying any acreage. We had this place surveyed when we purchased it two years ago. I realized something wasn't right when I looked at topo maps that showed the west fence line wasn't parallel to the nearest section line. It's very hilly here and none of the roads or any of the buildings are aligned to any sort of reference. The surveyor found that the the actual property line ran well inside of the existing fence line and through the house. It had been that way for around 80 years. The neighbor obliged to sign a quit claim deed to a half of an acre that was inside our fence line. She had never known it was hers anyways and figured it was a little less that she'd have to pay property taxes on.
I am waiting for my neighbors to complain.
Most are really nice because I have a lot of roosters and I have asked if they bother them on occasion.
But I have one neighbor that is getting to be really stupid. We got a long well for many years, then he got a new girlfriend. They liked to feed my horse and I let them so I wouldn't have to feed him. I made sure they measured and bought the correct kind. They even gave him hay! But I told them, no corn in the summer. But we caught them feeding him corn last August and I reminded them not to do that. The girlfriend got hostile and jerked the bucket off my fence and the next thing I know she is telling all the other neighbors how evil I am and they are going to move!
LOL That was last fall and they are still there! I have been feeding my own horse again and waiting for them to complain about all my noisy chickens. We live on large tracts of land in my neighborhood. Most of us have about 10 acres of land each and are totally fenced in.

My ducks will go over on that side of the property. I had thought to get a Peacock and put the pen right next to their fence line which is also next to their bedroom window. But I don't purposely want to be mean.

I dare them to complain. We have lived here 25 years and were one of the first to move into this neighborhood.
I've visited this posting before and tried to not go here. But apperantly I'm getting old and crabby. NOT! I take good care of my animals and my place. I take pride in doing so. And it's only right. I believe everyone has a right to live the life as they see it. I live in the country on 8 acres and have no neighbors on my side of the road for over half a mile in both directions. But there are people on the other side. Unfortunately for me. I've had 3 different people buy and move into the place right across from me. The current inhabitants make me want to puke. The husband tears everything apart and leaves all the parts and tools lay where he drops them. He always bringing stuff home that he's going to fix. Everything that runs or ran lawnmower, tiller, splitter, cars, campers sit outside year round in the rain and snow unprotected and then he can't figure out why it won't run the following season. Then tears them apart to nearly fix them. I could type volumes on his endevours. He has a 3 1/2 stall garage that you can't walk in. His father in law is a good friend of mine and raises my beef and pig. He takes very good care of his animals. His son in law has tried to raise turkeys, chickens , and pigs. all have failed. They either frozen or starved to death. No adaquate shelters, food or water. My friend told me there were dead piglets left in the pen for over a week after freezing to death. Had I known I would have called the humane society. I have talked to them several times about the conditions over there and even screamed at them when he's out mowing his lawn once a year whether it needs it or not becauce the kids are following him around while he's hitting all the junk hidden in the waist high weeds and throwing metal with the mower. They have 3 small kids. Always barefoot even in the middle of May with full diapers from the night before. I'm not kidding! I want ot call the county on them for the kids sake but because of my relationship with her parents I don't. Think that's going to have to change. Older and crabbier! I'm tired of seeing this day in and day out. I feel sorry for the kids having to live like that and having to go to school and face the ridicule from the other kids for no other reason than their parents are lazy and worthless. If there ever were poster parents for sterilization their it. Hate to say it but it's true. Thanks for letting vent just a little!
Wow Dr. Hahah and you can just bet if anything does happen to one of their poor kids, they'll be the ones saying: 'oh we never thought it could happen to us'.
Really ticks me off.
So many bad neighbours. Wish we could put them all in the one county an then we could all live together an play with each other's duckles.
(Along with my actual neighbours cos they're nice!)
Our neighbours round the back have a builder in building a new fence. It's the one connecting our back gardens and it was very old and icky. Our neighbour is paying for it because we have no money and we don't have to look at it cos it's behind the shed. Not only that but I've just put up some barriers to stop the ducks wandering over and getting in the builder's way. The builder asked if I was doing it because we had a dog and I said 'no ducks' and he got all excited. He kept saying 'I LOVE DUCKS. I LOVE DUCKS!'
Heh, I told him he could come into our garden and play with them anytime! Maybe we should give him a couple of eggs...
Gosh! I wonder what our nieghbors are saying about us?

I live in a rural area but have about 5 families living close enough to be considered nieghbors. We all get along pretty well, quiet, clean, and help each other out.

If any one in the nieghborhood can be considered strange, ugh---- that would be me!
I’m glad I don’t have any “real” neighbor. We live on an 80 acre property surrounded by woodland and wetland. You could scream to death and nobody cares. My closest neighbor is roughly 1/4 away. He’s a farmer and seems to be nice. If I have to move, I will get at least 50 acres or more. Can’t deal with crazy neighbors like y’all.
Wow makes me thrilled that you can only see the rooftop of our nearest neighbors house! Our nearest neighbor is close to 1/2 mile away! And we have 4 acres of our own. If you are driving down the road you don't even know our place is here, cuz we're hid by the trees, and our road technically doesn't exhist yet until we agree to give the city one acre of land. So until then we will tend to our own road, and keep our property!
I have a neighbor who seems nice if a bit loony... He was up here once telling me about the voices in his head. He held up his hand to show part of a finger missing and told me that he was grinding meat to make sausage and started thinking of folks injured in farm accidents. He was wondering what it was like, so he stuck his finger in the grinder. Never did ask him what he did with the sausage that he was grinding at the time, I don't think I want to know!

Then he asked DH if he could cut down some trees on our property and DH couldn't understand why I was horrified when he told the guy that it was ok!
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