Who has bad neighbors?

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Luckily, we havent had a problem. However, one of our neighbors has ducks, chickens, geese, peacocks, and other animals himself. We get along fine.
Oh you want to hear bad neighbor stories? I think mine currently take the cake.

I live next to my hubby's family. I love parts of his family. The other parts, not so much.

First, there was a 4-yo girl who used to just let herself into the pasture with my horses. No one ever felt the need to supervise her, so she would come to my house to try to get me to play with her. Only I would find her standing in the middle of my horses, 2 of which are babies and don't yet have kid-friendliness instilled into them. They would not do anything intentional, but I'm sure you can all see how this is a disaster waiting to happen.

Then things (nuts, bolts, etc) started being thrown at my horses.

One of them ran into my fence drunk, denied it, and refused to fix it. Thank the Lord the horses didn't go wandering.

Then, the drug use started. I am 99% positive there was meth being cooked, and 100% positive it was being sold and smoked.

Then there were the stolen things that started showing up. An ATV here, a truck, dirt bike, or air conditioner there. Then the Ski-Doos, and yet more broken-down vehicles. I officially live next door to a junk yard.

Then the domestic abuse started. Guy would beat up his girlfriend, and since I am out messing with the horses, guess who always had to listen to it, and then get yelled at for telling someone with more than 4 brain cells to deal with it.

Then there was the threatening to shoot my horses, because "I was spying on them" every time I walked out the door.

The pasture burned down and almost took my barn with it because some stupid unsupervised kids decided to play with fire after months of no rain.

The loud music that vibrated my house at any random time, day or night, was not fun either. Nor was the endless stream of beyond-sketchy people who came in and out all hours of the night.

Then they threatened to burn down the property owners' house, and steal everything that they didn't burn. And get the woman fired from her job. Do they get kicked out? Nope, they move MORE people in!

Then people start showing up in the middle of the night looking for their stolen stuff. By knocking on doors. In the middle of the night.

At one point there were 7, yes 7, people living in a tiny travel trailer (which is illegal in this state). There are currently 9 vehicles or at least significant parts of vehicles, in the yard. The vast majority are stolen. This does not include ATV's and dirt bikes.

They have been "asked to leave" about 6 times by now. If I could sell my property I would, but I have a feeling no one else wants to live next door to them either.
We have a backdoor neighbor who is a little looney but otherwise harmless. She has an animal refuge and for awhile she had a real wack job for an assistant. Screaming and cursing loud enough you could hear it over a 10 acre field.

Our other neighbors are great. They allow us to use part of their property for pasture, access to their garden when ripe and we keep an eye out for each other stuff. We dog sit for them when they need it and supply eggs to them.

When I first move here (before current hubby), I made it known that I trained guard dogs in the past and still had a couple of them with me. Never really had any major problems.

After I married current dh, we did have some problems with renters across the road and their loose dogs harrassing our livestock, getting into garbage. We did tell them we would kill the dogs if they continued to be a problem. They kept them tied for a couple of weeks and then let them loose again.

One day, the one dog turned up with a broken leg. I thought he had gotten run over (always in the road). It turns out that one of my horses had nailed him. Said dog never came back into the pasture after that.
Yepper, that takes the prize for the evening! I'd call the ordinance enforcement people, they might be able to turn the heat up...without causing a forest fire!
Are everybody's bad neighbor problems animal related? That seems to be the theme of all of these messages. I've lived in dozen of places all the over the U.S., in all kinds of neighborhoods. I've had a couple of neighbors I didn't care for, but I can't say that I've ever had any bad neighbors.
I have a neighbor that:

#1 Threatened to sick his wolf hybrid dogs on me if I step foot on his property to retrieve a chicken that had stepped on his property. He was screaming that my chicken was on his property, so I offered to walk over and pick her up. (He's surrounded by farmland, and lets the back of his property grow up in brush. Why he would care if a chicken stepped foot in his wild blackberries is beyond me.)

#2 Then he connected his sewer system to my field drainage systems (It dumps in a seasonal pond on my property. I definately don't want his sewage in my duck pond. He didn't believe the state police when they don't him that he couldn't do that.)

#3 His wolf hybrids have on 3 seperate occasions, killed chickens on my property. (When he forgets to lock them in.)

Oh, and he's a professional foster parent to disabled kids. I can't believe that the state allows people like this to be foster parents.
I got good neighbours which thank goodness cos we're all squeezed together in three little terraced houses! Our neighbours one side got two spaniels, very old, very sweet. Our ducks try to eat them through the fence. The neighbours don't mind at all. They said if their dogs get bitten by our ducks who squeeze their heads through the fence to get at them, then it's their dog's fault for gettin too close. (We got call ducks
) Their nice doggies ignore the ducks completely!
On the other side of the fence are nice too, they have a cat who is terrified to leave the house. It's probably worse with the racket our ducks make but they don't mind. I apologise all the time for the duck noise but they say they can't hear it in their homes (a lie, I could hear them perfectly while cat sitting) and that when they can hear it they say they actually like the noise!
The next door neighbour-but-one gives us all the free sawdust we need and donated a little hutch for them to use during the day if they want shelter. We gave her some eggs which she says she's going to make into a cake and give us!!! We told her to eat them herself they are a present! She also comes running out and checks on them if she hears anything a little odd too.
The neighbour on the other side of her said she hasn't been able to eat duck since we got them cos she loves ours too much. She has a little 9 year old neice who loves them too. We told the neice she can sneak into our garden and play with them anytime she wants. Our ducks looove little people.
I got no idea what we done to deserve such good people cos goodness knows our ducks can be heard half way up the street. Maybe me, the husband, Doogie, Rory and Mr. Snoogles were all very good in a past life! Orrrrr it could be that my husband is a policeman and they're all wanting to keep on the right side of him??

Nope, that was mean, they are actually very nice, genuine, lovely little English village gentlepeople. God Save The Queen.

I also got family in America who are wonderful too. God Save The President!!!!
I do not have any complaints about our neighbors. I used to have one about one of them that would party with loud music and shoot of fireworks at any time, but he and his wife got divorced (which actually makes me sad b/c he was a great guy other than that).

Other than that, I enjoy our neighbors. I think we may be the bad neighbors between our animals and bazillion kids. I do try to give away eggs, though. :eek:

We do share a driveway with a "business", but all they have on our road is wood and junk that they store here. I don't like the trucks coming in and out often (we were told when we bought this place that they *rarely* come here. SO wrong!) and don't feel safe with the kids out there playing when they are here since there are random guys working out there, but we're getting the yard fenced in and I will feel better about it then.
Boy do I love living in the country on 24 wooded acres! Yes I have some looney people in the neighborhood, but at least I can get away from them. I try to give the people around here the same respect I want from them. I understand that occasionally a dog or other animal will get loose and I'm willing to help the animal and owner....if they are willing to help. It's when they figure, I'm out in the country, I'll just let my animals run....that's when I get mad. I've returned many stray animals to worried owners, I've also had someone "remove" repeat offenders.
We have back neighbors that shoot fireworks into our yard. We have teens that used to cut through our yard.Teens that shot their bb guns into our yard.Neighbors who let their now grown pit run free.Complaining seems to make you more of an appealing target.

One NDN is elderly,and I get along with her.Other NDN we no longer talk to after his contractors wanted to take down our fencing to work on his home.They did fine doing the work without taking the fence down.

We had a survey before we installed a fence.The actualy boundary was very different from what we were told was the property lines..Ever since the fence we keep to ourselves,and make sure all animals stay in our yard.If my dogs run the fence line barking at anyone I will take them inside if they do not stop.Cats stay in a cat run and chickens in their run unless I am walking with them.If cats come into the yard they are trapped and rehomed.Dogs.....well one runner I like and will call the owner,but I will mace the pit and the husky that bit my dog.I give a free pass a few times to owners whose dogs/cats get loose,but if they don't remedy the problem.....

If my own pets go pets go outside the fence(yet to happen) I realise they are at the mercy of others,and only hope they don't cause an accident or bite anyone.The husky owners paid almost $500 for vet bills on my dog.I could not afford that if my pets caused injury,but ofcourse would pay.

I try to be nice to my neighbors,but I will do whatever I want in my own yard as long as I am legal.It is unfortunate others do not do the same.

When our neighbors move or pass on I would love to buy their homes! Also,for any future homes we will ask for a survey-a real one not a mortgage survey-before buying a home.
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