Who has ever smashed an egg or eggs in your pocket(s)?!?!

I did it today! I just got some new hens and there egg shells arent as hard as what im used to. And the egg was still very warm
am proud to anounce have never smashed one egg,even when was a child-have always respected eggs because the chicken has put all that effort in to laying them so they get carried ridiculously careful.:p
Only broke an egg in the pocket once. It was thin shelled and I didn't realize it. The weight of the other eggs on top did it in.

Now I have been out at a store and stuck my hand in my jacket pocket and what do I find in there? Egg I forgot about. People give you odd looks when you pull a blue egg out of your pocket just randomly.
Haven't smashed eggs in my pockets, yet. I did however forget I had them in the pockets of my coat where they stayed for 2 days and I looked for them everywhere I could not for the life of my think to look in the coat. When I went to use it it felt extra heavy well I had the four eggs in it. Senior moment.
Aspen- i didnt realise you were hatching them, thats even sadder
bet your really upset with yourself but these thing will happen this thread is proof of that!

Yes, but maybe that egg wasn't fertile. Fingers crossed. So far all the eggs I candled from that pen haven't been fertile, but then again it may be too early to candle. We shall see.

~ Aspen
Loving the stories! Even the ones of finding eggs in pockets much later!!! And in public!!!

Proud of you Fur & Feathers!!! Way to go!!!

Animallover, I hope it is not a matter of time that you go from tomatoes to eggs!!!

Aspen, when you first posted about the duck egg, I had wondered if it was for incubating! Hope you get lots of FERTILE replacements!!!

Shell you are still cracking me up!!! What our kiddos do when we turn away for a second!!!
I have had my girls for almost a year now, and with the addition of the Barred rocks and Delawares I have eggs galore! When I forget my egg basket that's when the fun begins. I was filling the chicken water-er and had put down an egg on the bench seat, finished, to find my golden retriever had eaten the egg-or so I assume when I can't find the egg. My DH put on his barn coat, my daughter had borrow mine and not brought it back, to find an egg in the pocket from days before--Not broken! this morning I forgot the egg basket--and carried 7 eggs in my shirt--already dressed for work, until I found a pitcher I left in the barn--No breakages! But boy, when you are getting them into a carton they can be slippery--drop at lot on the floor, you learn quickly that it better to set the carton on the counter and fill from there--just call in the dogs, they eat the shell too--one of the few times they get human food.
This is a great thread! x)

I've done the works...left them in my coat pocket for days...smashed them in my pocket when leaning up against something....dropped one and did a belly dive to catch it (it cracked anyway). x) I have a funny story though, where I thought I was going to crack some eggs....but didn't!

It was winter time. There were 4 or 5 inches of snow on the ground, and I was just on my way back to the house from bunkering everyone down for the night. I was walking along the crest of a small hill, when my left foot slipped down the hill. I had two goose eggs, one duck egg, and three or four chicken eggs in my pockets. My foremost thought was the eggs cracking. x) So I ended up doing the spilts while sliding down hill, then falling on my face in the snow and rolling the rest of the way down. Huzzah! No cracked eggs!! ....but where were the eggs? Turns out, they had all fallen out of my pockets and were buried in the snow. So I spent the next ten minutes digging around in the snow for eggs. xD

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