Who here is into Photography?

Silly I took an on-line photography course last fall through a college here in FL. The instructor was awesome and I learned an awful lot. I basically took it to refresh on fstops, shutter speed etc, since high school was a long time ago and then we worked with box camera. MY DH got me a Nikon D5000 for Christmas the previous Christmas and it's a far cry from an old box camera!

But I learned so much more and she provided some great links to very informative sites loaded with information. She covered a broad range of photography from newspaper photos, to portraits, photographing nature, composition the works. Plus we had the option of posting our assignments and got some great feedback from her, her assistants and our classmates.
If you are looking for a great series on how to use your camera (one page is Nikon other Canon) Check out Scott Kelby's The Digital Photographer 1-3.

LOTS of good tips for everyone
What great photos in this thread!!

You can bet once I get my chickens I'll be taking photos of them too... but for now, mostly I photograph wild birds.

Here's a chickadee doing a wingstretch!

Nambroth, what a fantastic capture! If I had taken it it would be framed and hanging on my wall for sure! Beautiful job!!
That is awesome!!!

Chickens are great practice for nature photographers; the way they move, the way the flap their wings. Having black and white birds to practice on, I've gotten better at exposure for feathers which makes for better wildlife pictures (that is, if the wildlife is of the feathered variety
These are a few from last year of my bug collection.


I don't know if these ants are farming aphids or these are their larva, but they are on a maple tree branch.



One of my favorites, I love the pose of the lone aphid "look out"




I like that you can see the tongue fully extended into the flower



another one of my favorites



Kass those are some beautiful shots. I think my favorite is the brown and white butterfly/moth??? I've never seen one like that and it just jumps out at you! Great job on them all! Also love the little ant perched on the flower and the moth setting on the green leaf.
Sundown, great shots! Love the waterfall, and the cat is very pretty!

Went out to my car a few minutes ago and these were my visitors tonight. The little one sitting on the edge of the sidewalk was a rather strange looking little guy... overly large eyes and very pale in color, don't recall seeing one like this around here before.


Sundown between the angle and movement of the water you can almost feel your stomach drop, like your standing at the edge.

dkvart love the froggies!

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