Who here is into Photography?

I have a Nikon D60...for now. I do portrait photography when I have to and anything else that moves or don't move the rest of the time! I have a thing for steeples. My chickens are my latest subjects!
Two creeks as always awesome shots... was acutally telling DH about your photos the other night - my voice dripping with envy of course!

What lens did you use for those recent shots?
300mm f2.8

This type of shot will drive you insane if you are trying to use one of the "modes". The meter see's all that dark and washes the image out. Drives me insane trying to dial in the light before Mr. Prehistoric takes off LOL

One more. I have a ton of Goose shots...most are boring LOL. This one I thought was kind of cool. I almost went right on past these guys because I knew they wouldnt fly...but the light was too good to pass up

When you post-edit, what is it exactly that you do? I have Photoshop CS 4 but have never had any formal training with the program, except a couple of photo seminars I attended. They didn't really teach me what I wanted to know though.

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