Who here is into Photography?

That is really Crazy! You are a awesome photographer!!!!!!! I Love the one with the eagle! That seems the most impressive to me! How did you get that pic!! Did you zoom or were you actually right there?

I take all the nature pictures like you do. I love all the close up pics that you do... like the lilly pads!

Im actually kinda jeallous of all the great pics you take :) I will try to post some of my pictures also later tonight!
That is really Crazy! You are a awesome photographer!!!!!!! I Love the one with the eagle! That seems the most impressive to me! How did you get that pic!! Did you zoom or were you actually right there?

I take all the nature pictures like you do. I love all the close up pics that you do... like the lilly pads!

Im actually kinda jeallous of all the great pics you take :) I will try to post some of my pictures also later tonight!
thanks a ton :) The picture with the bald eagle I was in water up to my hips while I was wearing jeans with a 200ml zoom :p. Cant wait for your pics
Hey Sorry i really couldn't find any good pics 2day because I'm using a new computer and haven't uploaded my camera to it yet but I did find some pics on my ipod from a while back... not even close to the pics i take now! :)...

but like I said these photos stink compared to the ones I take now I will post some of my good ones later this week or next!!!

Oh wait!!! i did find this pic on my ipod!!! This is one of my favorites. I had my ipod with me and I took this pic not to long ago... i used special effects to make the colors so vibrant though, it did look crazy awesome without special effects also though!!!!

I think I'm a little late to this party but I also enjoy taking pictures. My sister and I have a daily goal of taking a Photo Of The Day (POTD). We both have Canon DSLRs, I have an older EOS Rebel xs, she has one of the D models (sorry can't remember which). Her preference is stills with great DOF while I prefer action. She constantly encourages me to get away from the Sport and Auto settings and to make friends with the Manual setting. She prefers to use a 50mm fixed lens and I love my 75-300mm lens.


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