Who here is into Photography?

Thank you! I am just learning and teaching myself...
may as well avoid paint for modern editing, as it is beaten by almost all free open source programs;it doesnt even allow some very basic stuff.

woud extremely recommend GIMP [GNU image manipulation program,see its nothing dirty]- http://www.gimp.org/ it is completely free and can be described as a entry level or home users photoshop.
it can be made an even better program by modding it with the GIMP painter mod- http://www.davidrevoy.com/?article31/installing-gimp-painter-on-windows and GIMP paint studio- http://code.google.com/p/gps-gimp-paint-studio/ -both of these are completely free as well.

pinta is worth an install to-its like the modern version of paint but with more functions; http://pinta-project.com/ its just quicker to use than programs like GIMP if are only doing basic stuff like changing to jpeg or cropping.

am going out right now and cant add anymore at the mo,but if are on the art site deviantart,go to forum search and search 'free paint programs', theres loads that are helpful.
Just an update on some of the links...
http://code.google.com/p/gps-gimp-paint-studio/ is an invalid link as well as pinta-project.com.

The direct link to the download I used [for Paint.Net... not to be confused with Microsoft Paint] and a co-worker used recently is http://www.getpaint.net/download.html using the first download button you come to.

Hopefully this will work for you or you will find a decent program you can use!
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My night shots are taken on a tripod. There is no way I could keep it still long enough with the slow shutter speeds. I was using a 20-30 second shutter speed.
Sunrise in South Carolina can get rather dramatic!

Fall is rather colorful in South Carolina

Naked trees are beautiful in winter

Pretty in Pink Sunrise

Busy as a bee!

Crisp and Yellow

Bold Reflection

Dancing Fog.

Lovely Pastels

Now, back to my other job. Hope you enjoyed my photos!
Sunrise in South Carolina can get rather dramatic!

Fall is rather colorful in South Carolina

Naked trees are beautiful in winter

Pretty in Pink Sunrise

Busy as a bee!

Crisp and Yellow

Bold Reflection

Dancing Fog.

Lovely Pastels

Now, back to my other job. Hope you enjoyed my photos!

Lovely colors :) Thank you for sharing!!!!
Wow, y'all are really skilled with colors! So vibrant and beautiful!

I took some recently. They're nothing special, but I sure like them.


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