Whole flock dead!

I went up to Culpeper to see if they had any chicks...straight runs...ugh.
Anyone have some pullets they can part with sometime next week? I'll be buying hardware cloth tomorrow and adding it to my run after work...
Sorry for your loss
i hope you get a resolution to what happened!!
In my case I had a dog kill 17 of my flock, which was most of what I had. Not one body.

Turned out to be neighbors dog, she took them all back home as a prize, and she did it all within a10 minute timeframe. All there was was feathers everywhere, so I had not a clue in the beginning til she came back for more.
I am so sorry this happened I would be trying to put a game cam up no matter what it was it will be back maybe find out what got that many. I know raccoons will kill but to take 50 chickens that seems like a lot.
This happened to me two years ago....i know exactly how you feel. I agree with the others i bet some are hiding if there are no bodies.....look up in the trees and such. I am so sry for your loss there are no words to express waking up to this!!
I lost everyone of my birds including the newly hatched babies. Needless to say hubby re enforced the coop got new chickens and we haven't had an issue since .....hoping it stays tht way.
i lost an entire flock of 43 to a mink in one night. We found the mink ran over in the road the next day. Then my neighbor lost 8 to another mink and they trapped it.

I have buried the bottom 2 feet of my hardware cloth in the groun around the bottom of my runs. And now have electrice fence close to the ground and three strands up the fence to the top. I actually found one of my neighbors dogs in my run before i did all this. I tied him up and made the neighbor come and get him. I haven't seen the dog since.
If the Doberman was there...I'd still have all my birds...ugh.

Fiance is wanting a security cam system, anyone can recommend any? Found the one Mc Donalds uses, heh. But its cheap and 4 cams...

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