Whole flock dead!

Sorry for your loss
When I lost my originals to my dog I was freaked, over time I got over it, part of life. But loosing so many all at once...it was just too much. Like loosing your first puppy you were crazy over, ocd on its care, the works and poof, gone..
OM so very sorry to hear this ......many hugs to you

I hope you catch the culprit very soon, and give em what he dealt. arggg so very sad. wish I had help to offer, but I'm new to this chicken craze, only have my new babies 5 weeks old. If I had extra's I would send em to you. again so sorry for your loss. Kim

This may sound different, but I rather enjoy figuring out who killed the birds. A bird who-dunnit, I suppose you could say.

It sounds like you have more than one predator. It sounds like a cougar, because of the small cow, etc. But bobcats and wolverines, if they are around, cannot be ruled out either.

Regarding the mass deaths, could be a clan of weasels/mink/etc. They will "over kill" and return for food. They will essentially kill everything in sight, and often leave bodies and body parts all over. Weasel/mink deaths suggest rodent control needs to be addressed.

Owls will pick off a bird at night. Typically one or two birds. Owls will take and eat the head and leave the rest of the body.

Cats will take an entire animal and leave little to no sign, and you will typically not every find the remains.

Racoons and opossums will reach in, pull through, and rip chicken wire. They love to rip out the birds bellies and eat the contents. You will often find a carcass under something days to weeks later.

Eagles, will either carry off the food (they hunt during the day) or if no one is around, they will eat the bird where they caught it and leave one big mess along with a stripped clean carcass. (If they are feeding young, the carcass goes.

Dogs leave feathers and blood and there is evidence of a chase and usually a body to be found.

Any more "clues" for this arm-chair bird-predator detective to consider?
Well, since there hasn't been more deaths, it can't be a mink or other tiny animal. There are small gaps and holes in the coop where they would/could fit.
There are no survivors, it's a really new place, little above cover, too many predators and too many young/inexperienced birds.

Bared Rock Bantie Roo chick, I'd like to find one...hopefully he will grow up to be just as sweet as mine was..

If you guys are on Facebook, you can see pictures of nearly all of my birds...er...past birds. I'll be deleting them eventually, but it still makes me cry thinking about them. Especially all the ones that I really liked..
[email protected], if you want to ad me.

Actually, I have a habit of posting threads with a ton of pic-spam, so you can find them here too, though most are linked to FB, so when those pictures go, so will the ones on here.
Had to change my wallpaper on my laptop...it was of my three babies, all gone...
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Beautiful picture!

I'd love that for my wallpaper! I love black and white birds. (And Welsummers, which I wish were also black and white.)

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