Whole flock dead!

How horrible.
I hope you can find & kill the predator immediately.
Seven pages and counting ... read them all ... so sad ... my sympathy to you.
God bless all you people who have offered eggs, chicks and hugs.
I don't usually follow these sad threads. I'm too soft hearted and it always makes me realize that I could be the next sad story.
I know I have been lucky because my set-up wouldn't stand the test of predators.
My girls free range daily on our acreage and must have guardian angel chickens watching over them.
Please don't give up. Chickens are the greatest little creatures.
That is why it is so sad when they are hurt or killed.
Add my hug to the rest.
It's just such a shock to go from the renter house where I don't worry about predators, to the new house where they live in our barn!!
We can't even let our cats be indoor/outdoor...they'll get eaten...They like dogs..heh
Wow, I'm so sorry for your huge loss, secuono. I really can't imagine. I'm up to my eyeballs in roosters and would gladly give you a few if I were closer. I hope you have a positive ending to this tragedy. I'm going to subscribe to this thread to see if you get whatever it is.

I'd be a wreck if we even lost one. Hopefully you can figure out what it is fast. Maybe you could put out some traps? If it's coyotes maybe you can catch a few. If there's a humaine society nearby they sometimes rent out live traps so you don't have to worry about hurting any of your own animals if they get caught...
This site has the best possible members ever.
My heart goes out to you for your loss, and my thanks to everyone else who are such kind, sweet souls to offer their help or encouragement.
I was thinking something smaller also until you mentioned the leg you found. You probably have something larger hanging around due to the fact that it hasn't seen any people around the property= Easy pickings.
I had a cougar, yes, a cougar, attack my rabbit cage a few years ago. Saw it with my own eyes about 4 days before a cougar was found & killed in downtown Chicago. Never, ever, ever have heard of a cougar anywhere even remotely close to being around here. And I sure hope that that is not what is plaguing you. But I saw him during the day, and that is also when it was seen in Chicago, in the daytime, so it most likely wasn't that but I'd like people to be aware nevertheless. I have no idea when mountain lions hunt, if it is during the day or night. Your problem has been overnight, correct?
I have heard about using used cat litter before. It could work, depending on what you are dealing with. I have also seen an item on Murrey McMurrey's website that deters nighttime predators. It is solar-powered and is less than $20. It might be worth a try.
I hope once you move in, the predator will move out.
I have lost my flock to a fox before, but there were bodies all over the place. I have also lost a flock and waterer's to the two legged theif! Yep broke in while we were sleeping and took about 10 hens a very nice waterer. We were ticked! Would rather loose them to a predator.
I have also seen an item on Murrey McMurrey's website that deters nighttime predators. It is solar-powered and is less than $20. It might be worth a try.
Link: http://www.mcmurrayhatchery.com/nite_guard_1.html
hope once you move in, the predator will move out.

I have had 4 nite guards up since last fall. They are solar powered so you can put them anywhere they will get sunlight. I put them up at dog/coyote eye level on all four sides of my run. I haven't seen any coons, possums, fox, etc. since I put them up BUT I have only had my chickens in the coop since I got them this March, so really nothing before then that a predator would be looking for. At this time I can't give a testimony to whether they work or not. I have read lots of posts from people here who DO swear by them though. With the problem you're facing it couldn't hurt to spend the $99 for four of them to see if it helps.

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