Who's Setting Eggs This Week[end]? [August 8-14]

Just went into lock down also. Candled again and ended up throwing out another one. It quit around day 15. This leaves me with 6/15 shipped eggs. Temp is good. Humidity is running at a steady 65%. I tried a dry hatch this time around hoping to get a better hatch but with shipped eggs it is hard.

Hope they ALL Hatch!!!!
golden lakenvelder is the only chick that hatched so far. We are on day 21 . Maybe I will get a few pips tonight.
How many eggs do you have in? Were they all dark on day 17 or 18?Is this in your genisis? has to be bad eggs or humidity if they dont hatch...or shipping if you had them shipped..Im like a broken record with the shipping hAHAStil lday 21 so plenty of time for more.(hope your post wasnt last night forgot to look)
Here we go...Went into lock down this morning . Things looked good last night see what happens.Lots were all dark...(.Hope they all werent totally full of rot instead of babies...My luck..).
.Funny this batch had no ice pack and it was hot. 100.....I thought i wouldnt get any from it ,well i still might not but did have 11 eggs looked good last night of 14 .I was so shocked.GO figure.The Hatch Gods must have had a good month to allow me to get this far with so many eggs with the worst shipping circumstances. Now if i just dont shrink wrap them.........Come on egglets be ALIVE and come OUT!!
"drumming my fingers on the desk"...

and the lock down wait begins.

Candled and couldn't see anything except dark eggs. A few had odd shaped air sacs. Not sure what that means.
Maybe they are crushed from chicklet squishing?Mine are all black too.My good ones with chiiks always are.Just see black
Thank you, Roxanne. Some sort of Nikon is what I used, but usually use my phone. I've read that high humidity can be the culprit with sticky chicks....but had WAY stickier chicks last hatch and it was a dry hatch.
Wonder what causes that then?I thought it was too high humidity but maybe not then....do the experts know? AH Nikon.Good camera .Had a used one years ago .Sorry when it brokeIt was great..
And cells...Yeah my grand daughters cell is awesomely good.Mine gives almost nothing but blurred pics if anyone moves a hair.These high pixel digital pics now are just so Perfect ...is the word.
I opened the incubator to refill the water ring and I couldn't help but pick the eggs up! I hear internal tap tap tapping going on in there!

So at least I know that they're in there working away at the shell. Hopefully we'll get some pips soon! This waiting is taking more out of me than normal! lol
Day 21, hatch day for me. Hatched 2 early silkies last night and awoke to two more this morning. Another hatched this afternoon. One zipped around the whole egg and died before I got home from work today (was the first to pip, took 24 hours and gave up)
Poor little thing. There are three left in the incubator, not a pip or sound from them. Not feeling hopeful as it has been several hours since the last chick hatched. This is my first hatch with a homemade incubator and shipped silkie eggs. So far 5 out of 13 made it. I definitely hoped for better. A big thank you to my DH for the constant attention to these little babies every moment I had to be away. He knew how much they meant to me.
So far that has been my best hatches 5 from 13 or 15 from shipped.
Sadly Gotta have low expectations at least if its hot on the truck ride.I am not sure if it will be better when its cooler out. Might be.
I opened the incubator to refill the water ring and I couldn't help but pick the eggs up! I hear internal tap tap tapping going on in there!

So at least I know that they're in there working away at the shell. Hopefully we'll get some pips soon! This waiting is taking more out of me than normal! lol
Sounds dumb but i actaully started to get heartburn from the stess the last couple times.HATCHING>>BAD FOR YOUR HEALTH!!!

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