Who's setting with me Sept 1st-4th?

When I had an lone chick, it followed me everywhere, it was adorable. The only thing was that he cried and cried whenever I wasn't right there. I didn't get any sleep. I kept him right next to my bed trying to keep him quiet, but unless my hand was in the cage for him to sleep in, he cried. I could hear him from 2 floors up. But he was very sweet, he would crawl into my hand and fall asleep and follow me like I was his mother. He still is very sweet, when I go down to feed them, he's the only chicken thats allways right at my feet, he loves to snuggle and have his back rubbed. He acts more like a dog than a chicken, hahaha. He also comes to me when I call. Just thought I'd tell you, I loved my lone chick and it was worth the sleepless nights for this little guy.
YAY!! My one little silver laced chick just hatched! I can't breed them with only one chicken, so I'll have to pray for more but at least my efforts weren't completely wasted. Out of the 5 that went into lockdown, 3 have hatched and the other 2 have pipped. I was amazed by how fast the shipped cochin eggs hatched, one hatched in about 2 hours, the other about 3. My cochin eggs always take about 24 hours and I usually have to help them because the shells are so thick from the oyster stuff in the chicken feed. I will have to take pictures later, I forgot how small bantams were when they hatch!

Way to go!! So glad you have at least the one! Kinda like me right now with only the one Silkie....Although I did put 30 more Silkie eggs in the incubator yesterday
I am going to get a good hatch one way or the other. Went back to the drawing board, re-reading everything I can get hold of concerning humidity issues.
Here's a few pics of the cute little Silkie I took this morning:
Check out all the feathering on the legs and feet!!

I'll candle the new silver laced eggs tonight, they are on day three so I might be able to tell a little bit as far as whats going on. I really hope that I get at least a male and a female, of course more would be better. Continued hatch along? hahaha
I love the feather-footed varieties, too! I have 2 large fowl light brahmas and one LF dark brahma. I have this project I wanna try....I would like to breed Silkie roos with the brahmas, and see what I get..not sure how it would turn out, but I am curious. I also want to get some of the Cochin bantams. I really like the bantams. My step-daughter and I are going to try and build as many new coops and runs as possible this winter. I spend a lot of time at the deer camp, so will be hard, but I think we will find enough time to put together what we need before spring.
The cochins are probably my favorite, thought the silkies are pretty neat and I absolutely adore my dark brahma rooster. The silver laced will be the first bantam cochins I'll have, right now I have the standard. I like the shape of the bantams better and there seems to be much more variety in color, but I also love my large birds. Not sure what to expect as far as size, do you know if there is a huge difference between the two? I hope they aren't too small.. but I will love them either way! I'll have to take pictures of them later.
There was too many people on here to keep track of everyone but just read your last post, and wow are you busy. I wish I had 3 incubators, hahaha. And Royal Palm turkeys are so beautiful, though I don't believe I will be getting into turkeys anytime soon. And for coop, I have a bunch of those large dog kennels set up around the barn and machine shed, most of them are 6 by 12 feet. Some are larger, but thats all I have for coops and they work perfectly. You can find them pretty cheap or even for free on craigslist, though I would like to put up an actual coop someday.

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