Why Aren't My Chickens Laying? Here Are Your Answers!

I have four hens. All my hens are only three years old. We live in Florida where it is almost always very sunny. I have not changed their food, there are no changes in the flock, and none of them seem ill at all. They have always been free of medications and vaccines. They have always only eaten organic feed and treats. The only medication I've ever given them is some organic oregano oil mixed with olive oil and garlic. My Golden Buff use to lay every singe day, the others all laid at least five days a week. Back in June last year two of them stopped laying from molting. Every since then they all have molted at least three times. They haven't laid the same since that time. After they started laying again the first time they almost laid normal but not as much as before. I used to get 3-4 eggs a day, now I get one egg ever couple days. My Barred Plymoth Rock was laying again last week but she has since stopped again also. My Golden Buff no longer lays once a day now just every other or couple days. I think they are all done molting now. But two of my birds haven't laid since September this year. What could possibly be causing them all not to lay or to molt multiple times in a season? The only things that I can think of that may be different is the neighbors have large pit bulls that bark most of the night. One of them did get in the yard at night when the girls were all safely in their coop. He couldn't get to them but I'm sure it frightened them to have him running around in the yard. It was a one off so I don't think I need to worry about the dog again but perhaps the girls don't realize that? Another thing that may be different is that we got an infestation of mole crickets which ate all the grass. So the girls have very little if any grass to graze. There are weeds they like but that's about it. Also one last thing is that we use to close the hatch at night but the air conditioner broke (yes they are that spoiled) so we leave it open at night. They are still safe inside the coop which is inside of a fully closed in run with hardware cloth and mosquito screen. Before we would close the hatch then open it when the sun came out to let them out. So that's all that is different. They still have food all day and they get treats most nights to get them to go in. Oh wait! The other thing that is different is their water. They use to have one that hung in the run but it was steal and began to rust so we took it out and put one with nipples instead. So what do you think may be the issue? Thank you for your time. Happy Christmas!
I have four hens. All my hens are only three years old. We live in Florida where it is almost always very sunny. I have not changed their food, there are no changes in the flock, and none of them seem ill at all. They have always been free of medications and vaccines. They have always only eaten organic feed and treats. The only medication I've ever given them is some organic oregano oil mixed with olive oil and garlic. My Golden Buff use to lay every singe day, the others all laid at least five days a week. Back in June last year two of them stopped laying from molting. Every since then they all have molted at least three times. They haven't laid the same since that time. After they started laying again the first time they almost laid normal but not as much as before. I used to get 3-4 eggs a day, now I get one egg ever couple days. My Barred Plymoth Rock was laying again last week but she has since stopped again also. My Golden Buff no longer lays once a day now just every other or couple days. I think they are all done molting now. But two of my birds haven't laid since September this year. What could possibly be causing them all not to lay or to molt multiple times in a season? The only things that I can think of that may be different is the neighbors have large pit bulls that bark most of the night. One of them did get in the yard at night when the girls were all safely in their coop. He couldn't get to them but I'm sure it frightened them to have him running around in the yard. It was a one off so I don't think I need to worry about the dog again but perhaps the girls don't realize that? Another thing that may be different is that we got an infestation of mole crickets which ate all the grass. So the girls have very little if any grass to graze. There are weeds they like but that's about it. Also one last thing is that we use to close the hatch at night but the air conditioner broke (yes they are that spoiled) so we leave it open at night. They are still safe inside the coop which is inside of a fully closed in run with hardware cloth and mosquito screen. Before we would close the hatch then open it when the sun came out to let them out. So that's all that is different. They still have food all day and they get treats most nights to get them to go in. Oh wait! The other thing that is different is their water. They use to have one that hung in the run but it was steal and began to rust so we took it out and put one with nipples instead. So what do you think may be the issue? Thank you for your time. Happy Christmas!
I would love to hear some answers to this. My molting chicken age 2 stopped laying months ago due to molt, but we did have a bear attack the coop, ate 4 chickens. This happened in July. Two that were left are still traumatized. One does not lay, other lays soft shell eggs. So, I think it might be the dog. Seems chickens don't forget.
At three years old their best laying is behind them, they will continue to less often and less regularly. Any change or stress will cause chickens to stop laying, so consistently and feeling safe is key for production.

Some chickens can take months to molt, to know if they are true full molts each time you need to look at the wing feathers and the tail feathers which are replaced in a body molt, otherwise some chickens also will do neck molts, which halts laying but not as long.

I would look to upping your protein content in your feed if they are receiving the usual 16% layer amount, up it to 18-20%.

Laying is extremely taxing, so is molting, sometimes they get so depleted they can't continue, especially if not given a proper rest during winter and extra light is added to encourage laying. Chickens need that time to recover and replace fat and nutrients.

I personally have found that high production birds burn out early and most will quit laying by 3-4, where less productive breeds lay longer,6-8 years.

So consistently, good food, low stress, and getting replacement hen when your birds are 3-4 years old.
Hi, I have one Cherry egger and a Buff orpington, both are about 23 weeks old. Cherry has large bright comb and wattles and has started submissive squating in the last 3 days. Both have been on laying crumbles, crushed oyster shell and grit since they were 20 weeks. Are they getting close to lay? I keep a light on from 4am until 7:30 am and then again from 4:30 pm until 7 pm. They get a small amount of cracked corn and grass clippings a couple times a week as well as fresh water every day. I have tried to do just right by them and do you think I may get my first egg soon?
Thank you for letting me know about the protein. I got some broiler feed that is high in protein and put some calcium in there for them and it seems to have done the job. Two of my girls are laying again now and I think one of the other girls is about ready to start laying again also. So all is well on the farm.
Our 18 hens were laying 14 eggs a day. We bought 20 more that were coming out of moulting but were laying eggs; We have had them about a week. Now we are only getting 9 or 10 eggs a day. Has this caused our older hens to quit laying? I couldn't find a place to ask a question.
Well, our 10 hens only layer 6 eggs total in 2 months, who knows why! WE FREE RANGE THEM GIVE THEM PELLETS AND SCRATCH. Well, I had to go to the feed store to get more scratch and they were out! So the lady talked me into gettin a 50 pound bag of corn. I hated to get so much of it, but is was less than $5 so I figured what the heck. Well the girls not only are lovin it, but since they are getting the corn they have started to lay again! Oh happy day! Not sure if the corn was the difference but it's the only thing we changed!

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