Why do so many of you buy so many chicks?

Is this a 12 step program?
I'm so glad for this thread! I got 4 chicks last year and told my neighbor that I was getting more. He asked, "Why?" and I was stumped. "Because I want more" just didnt' seem like a valid answer. Now I am armed!!
A friend sold me 5 meat birds... then I just had to have some layers ... then more meaties... then more layers ... 54 ladies in the hen house ... 106 babies in the brooder in the garage.

But in my defense, My mom is scheduled to take 10 off my hands.
Yeah 12 steps:

1. Decide you want chickens

2. Decide to join the forum

3. Decide if you want egg layers or meaters

4. Decide if you want white eggs or brown ones

5. Decide that you want standards or small birds

6. Decide that you must make an order right now online...for shipment tomorrow..

7. Panic that you don't have a brooder set up, let alone a plan for the pen/coop!

8. Then you start dumpster diving for items...

9. Then your order comes in and you get them..you fall helplessly in love

10. Then you realize its chick time at the TSC...

11. Then you go "just to look"..and come home with more

12. Then you realize you still havent made that dang coop!

thats what happened to me (well except number 11..thats tomorrow)...

its not a 12 step on how to quit..its a 12 step on how to umm...well get chickens..
Chicken Math! I just started raising chickens last year. Built my coop twice as big as I needed, so I thought. Ive already put in my order for chicks from our local feed store to fill my coop. Only warning to you is that chickens are addictive!!!!!!!!!!!! (Just like a bag of patato chips once you start you wont stop until you dont have anymore room!!!!!) And then theres bantams you can sneak a few of those in the coop. All the personality of the big ones itty bitty package! (Bantams are like baked chips all the enjoyment even if your on a diet!!!!!)
Started with 5 girls+
Lost one last fall-
Gained one Roo in November+
Ordered 30 chicks from Meyers Hatchery=
Received 32 chicks March 28th 2011+
Went to TSC today picked up 6 SLW+
Built one coop last May+
Built coop 2 last October+
Building Brooder/Coop Right now= Crazy Chicken Math

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