why do some people put fake eggs in nesting box


6 Years
Jul 6, 2013
I am new to raising chickens. I have 10 hens Golden coment and red sex link. No eggs and they are about 19 weeks old. I read put a fake egg in nesting box. Why? can I put a real egg in there instead? I have never seen them even get in the nesting boxes, I see feathers in there but that's about all. Looking for advise
I'm quite new to this too; but I believe it helps them know where to start laying. I'm guessing they think that if an egg is there, that must be the place to lay it. But again, I'm new so I'm sure an expert will help you on that.
Putting nesting eggs inside your chicken's nesting boxes encourages chickens to lay their eggs there. It's kind of a community thing amongst your flock. If one hen feels comfortable laying her eggs in a certain box, that encourages other hens to want to lay them there as well. Nesting eggs are a good way to encourage all your hens to lay in the boxes instead of other hiding places they may find.

I recently placed nesting eggs in all our nesting boxes. For awhile, some of our hens were laying eggs inside an old tire that was propped up against the wall. Now, they seem to be pretty happy with the boxes.

Of course, you don't have to use fake eggs (proper nesting eggs can cost quite a bit, depending on where you live). You can use golf balls, easter eggs, ping pong balls, etc. It's just an extra little thing you can do to encourage your hens to use their nesting boxes.
The above poster is correct. The feathers in the nesting box are them checking it out, if you have a egg in there before they start laying it is more likely that they will lay in there. Otherwise if they don't figure it out you may have eggs hidden in the yard. They are really great at hiding them. I have wooden eggs that look real, some use golf balls or plastic eggs. The problem with real eggs is they could crack or go bad. You can usually get wooden eggs for less than a dollar at a feed store or go to good will and they will give you plastic Easter eggs, I think all good wills have a never ending supply of those things. lol
Great! I once told my friend that I was going to put fake eggs in the nesting boxes and she was like, "Um, okay? Just...don't give me the fake ones, alright? I like the eggs, but I'm pretty sure I won't like these."
As everyone else said, it encourages them to lay there. If one "hen" laid an egg there, then the pullets will think it's a safe place to lay.

Also, chickens are curious creatures, and they peck things they want to check out. So, if they peck at a golf ball or wooden egg, it's not going to break, and I'm sure it won't feel too good - which will help them to not peck at the real eggs.

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