Why have chickens?

Con - just lost my first chick, so sad,
Woke up and she was gone.
No signs, looked so healthy and thriving when I went to bed last night. Now I'm so worried about the other three

Have no idea what I did wrong, I'm so caring, I check on them constantly. I even get up in the middle of the night. I knew it had to happen. I'm new to this. She was one of 14 , different ages, different breeds.....
Just repainted the inside. Here's a pic or two. I am repainting the outside trim and will post a pic soon. I took the original top off the nesting boxes and built a small pen above it for my chicks that I remove from the brooder.

Con - just lost my first chick, so sad,
Woke up and she was gone.
No signs, looked so healthy and thriving when I went to bed last night. Now I'm so worried about the other three

Have no idea what I did wrong, I'm so caring, I check on them constantly. I even get up in the middle of the night. I knew it had to happen. I'm new to this. She was one of 14 , different ages, different breeds.....

It happens. I'm so sorry. I lost 2 in my first couple of weeks. Just love the others all the more.
Con - just lost my first chick, so sad,
Woke up and she was gone.
No signs, looked so healthy and thriving when I went to bed last night. Now I'm so worried about the other three

Have no idea what I did wrong, I'm so caring, I check on them constantly. I even get up in the middle of the night. I knew it had to happen. I'm new to this. She was one of 14 , different ages, different breeds.....

I'm so sorry.
The first six are three months and you can really on y get close to them at night
The second four are one month and are the neediest , they chirp for everything, are always under foot and love to climb all over me. Love it
The third three are one week ,and are just cute

Never new they were so much fun or that I would be affected by a loss.

Sorry for your loss too


Thank you

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Enjoying your chicken certainly does not make you crazy. I love to spend time with mine. Listening to their contented humming (I am sure that is not the technical term, but to me it is like humming.) is very soothing. They are also very entertaining. I have two white Leghorns that defy the usual description of Leghorns. The are not skiddish or flightly, but they are tough. They are like the tough girls you knew in school, and aren't afraid of anything. They will fight with the rooster if he looks at them funny, and they love to play in the mud. Most of my hens will sit on my lap and listen to everything I tell them. My rooster loves to be held and petted. And on top of all of the affection and entertainment they gives us delicious, nutrious eggs.

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